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Esquelas La Rioja Cumpleanos Cartelera Logrono Programacion TV Farmacias Loteria y sorteos Info util Promociones Hemerotecalariojacom. lomejordelvinoderioja. lomejordelvinoderioja.com nubosoHoy 1 / 12 || Manana 5 / 13 | mas informacion sobre el tiempo Seleccione Provincia A Coruna Alava Albacete Alicante Almeria Asturias Avila Badajoz Baleares Barcelona Bizkaia Burgos Caceres Cadiz Cantabria Castellon Ceuta Ciudad Real Cordoba Cuenca Gipuzkoa Girona Granada Guadalajara Huelva Huesca Jaen La Rioja Las Palmas Leon Lleida Lugo Madrid Malaga Melilla Murcia Navarra Ourense Palencia Pontevedra Salamanca Santa Cruz de Tenerife Segovia Sevilla Soria Tarragona Teruel Toledo Valencia Valladolid Zamora Zaragoza Seleccione Localidad Estas en: larioja. 05.01.14 - 00:36 - LA RIOJA | LOGRONO. 3 votos4 votos5 votos0 votos Comenta esta noticia |Tweet En TuentiCerrarEnvia la noticia Rellena los siguientes campos para enviar esta informacion a otras personas. Cerrar Rectificar la noticia Rellene todos los campos con sus datos. * campos obligatoriosEnviarA Las Gaunas, en helicoptero (si el tiempo no lo impide) y a las 10.30 horas. Es la primera cita de los Reyes hoy con los ninos de Logrono antes de que a las 19 horas comience la gran Cabalgata desde el Parque de la Cometa. Participaran seis carrozas, la comparsa de Gigantes y Cabezudos, Dinamica Teatral y la Academia de Baile de Conchi Mateo, entre otros. En total, 650 personas. Pero Sus Majestades haran gala de todas sus facultades magicas para visitar esta tarde casi todos los municipios de La Rioja; a continuacion mostramos los actos programados en las cabeceras y en las ciudades mas pobladas de la comunidad autonoma. Los Reyes Magos llegaran a las 11.30 horas a Calahorra, donde seran recibidos en el Ayuntamiento. A las 12 horas, se dirigiran al pabellon Europa para recibir las peticiones de todos los ninos. Ya por la tarde, a las 19 horas, se celebrara la gran cabalgata con salida de la calle Julio Longinos. La comitiva seguira su recorrido por General Gallarza, Glorieta de Quintiliano, Martires, Grande, plaza del Raso y regreso a la Glorieta de Quintiliano, donde los magos se despediran de todos los ninos. Como es tradicional, en la plaza del Raso el grupo de teatro La Canilla representara el pasaje de La Adoracion de los Reyes. A las 18 horas en el Teatro Cervantes esperaran los Reyes Magos a los ninos arnedanos. Desde el balcon saludaran a los presentes antes de ser recibidos por las autoridades. Unos quince minutos despues se subiran a sus monturas para recorrer Paseo Constitucion y llegar hasta la plaza de Espana, donde presentaran regalos al nino Jesus. Despues, y en compania de los chicos del grupo scout Vallaroso, ascenderan al escenario de la plaza para saludar a los ninos. Con todo, los ninos arnedanos ya se han encontrado con sus Majestades: turnandose cada tarde del jueves hasta ayer, los tres reyes se han encontrado en la plaza Nuestra Senora de Vico con ellos para recibir sus cartas y deseos. Con llegada a la plaza del Planillo a las 19 horas, los Reyes se encontraran desde ese punto con los ninos alfarenos a lo largo de la cabalgata que discurrira por las centricas calles. Con un ambiente festivo, les acompanaran los escolares de los tres colegios, los chicos de catequesis de postcomunion, la Asociacion de Bandas y Tambores del Santo Entierro ademas de los voluntarios Cruz Roja y Proteccion Civil. Llegaran a la plaza de Espana, para subir al escenario que corona la Lonja de San Miguel, desde donde recibiran a decenas de ninos para entregarles regalos, fotografiarse, etc. La programacion arranca en Haro hoy con una sesion de cine en el Teatro Breton. A las 12.30 horas se proyecta la pelicula 'Frozen. El Reino del Cielo'. Por la tarde, a las 18.30 horas, se iniciara la cabalgata, desde la avenida de San Millan de la Cogolla, a la altura de la residencia Hogar Madre de Dios. El recorrido conducira a las carrozas por la plaza de Castanares de Rioja y la avenida de La Rioja hasta la plaza de la Paz. Alli los ninos podran saludar personalmente a los Reyes Magos y la Pena Cachondeo repartira chocolate. Salvo que las condiciones meteorologicas lo impidan, a las 20 horas, se celebrara la Cabalgata. El punto de partida sera la plaza de Santa Maria la Real y el recorrido la llevara por la plaza de Navarra, San Marcial, calle Mayor y vuelta por la calle San Miguel hasta Constantino Garran. Ese es el final esperado por los chiquillos, que aguardaran en el cine Doga, con un belen viviente instalado en el escenario, la llegada de los Reyes para recibir los primeros regalos. Como es tradicional, desde la siete de la tarde, habra una degustacion de chocolate con churros en la plaza de Espana. En Santo Domingo la Cabalgata partira a las 19.30 horas de la Plaza Jacobea y recorrera las calles San Roque, plaza de Hermosilla, Juan Carlos I, Pinar, Sor Maria de Leiva y Corralones, para finalizar en la plaza de Espana, donde Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar realizaran la adoracion al nino Jesus. Ademas de por la Banda de Tambores y Cornetas de la Cofradia de la Santa Vera Cruz, los Magos estaran acompanados de otras cuatro carrozas: una inspirada en Super Mario Bross, otra en el carbonero, una mas en 'Monstruos SA' y una cuarta en 'Jake y los piratas de nunca jamas'. La organizacion corre a cargo de las asociaciones procabalgata y de Amas de Casa, con la colaboracion del Ayuntamiento. La Cabalgata de Reyes comenzara a las 18 horas. Sus Majestades visitaran en primer lugar el hospital (residencia de ancianos) y alli iniciaran un recorrido por las calles del pueblo. En primer lugar se dirigiran a la parroquia de Santa Ana donde haran una parada para adorar al Nino Jesus. Continuaran por las calles Mayor e Ibo Alfaro hasta la parroquia de San Gil. Aqui habra una segunda parada para visitar el Belen. Seguiran su marcha hasta el Ayuntamiento. En el salon de actos repartiran los regalos a los ninos. En Lardero, Sus Majestades de Oriente haran hoy su aparicion a las 18 horas en la plaza de la Iglesia y realizaran un recorrido por el pueblo en carroza, con parada en la plaza Soldevilla. La tradicion dicta que durante este paseo por la localidad les acompanen los quintos, que celebran hoy su fiesta. De ahi se dirigiran al polideportivo del colegio Gonzalez Gallarza para adorar al Nino. El acto finalizara con el sorteo de un roscon. La Cabalgata parte a las 19. Antes de que los Magos lleguen a Villamediana de Iregua, los pequenos de la localidad podran entretener la espera en los hinchables situados desde las 17 horas en el polideportivo. De este punto partira la cabalgata a las 19.15 horas, para pasar por las calles del centro urbano y regresar al lugar de inicio. De vuelta al polideportivo, Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar recibiran a los ninos, les entregaran chucherias y todos disfrutaran de una chocolatada. Los ninos de la sierra estaran hoy de celebracion desde las 16 horas en Torrecilla en Cameros, en la fiesta de Reyes y parque infantil organizada en el polideportivo. A las 19 horas la plaza acogera un espectaculo de toro de fuego y chocolatada y seguidamente la cabalgata de los Reyes iniciara su periplo por las calles de la localidad. Este ano, Sus Majestades de Oriente accederan al pueblo por el barrio de Barruelo. Al termino del recorrido, reparto de juguetes. De espaldas, el rey Melchor saluda a los mas pequenos y recibe todas las peticiones de regalos que por la noche dejara en las casas de los ninos. Ahora en portada... larioja. 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Queda prohibida la reproduccion, distribucion, puesta a disposicion, comunicacion publica y utilizacion, total o parcial, de los contenidos de esta web, en cualquier forma o modalidad, sin previa, expresa y escrita autorizacion, incluyendo, en particular, su mera reproduccion y/o puesta a disposicion como resumenes, resenas o revistas de prensa con fines comerciales o directa o indirectamente lucrativos, a la que se manifiesta oposicion expresa. ABC.esHoy DigitalEl CorreoLa Rioja.comElnortedecastilla.esDiarioVasco.comElcomercio.esIdeal digitalSUR.esLas ProvinciasQue.esEl Diario MontanesLa Voz DigitalLaverdad.esABC Punto RadioFinanzashoyCinemahoyMotorInfoempleoGuia TVAutocasion11870.comMujerhoyPisos.comVadejuegosAvanzaentucarrera.comGrada360m.larioja. 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Axad, Janaayo 05, 2014 (HOL) — Xaflad lagu taageerayay ra’iisul wasaaraha cusub ee Soomaaliya, Cabdiweli Shiikh Axmed oo ay ka qayb galeen shacab aad aad u fara badan ayaa lagu qabtay Minneapolis Convention Center ee magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota. Axad, Janaayo 05, 2014 (HOL) — Sannadihii burburka odayada dhaqanka & nabadoonada beelaha Soomaaliyeed waxay ahaayeen qeyb muhiim ah oo aan looga maarmin xalinta khilaafaadka, dib-u-hishiisiinta iyo joojinta colaadaha gaar ahaan dagaallada ku saleysan qabiilka, waana tan keentay in beel walba oo Soomaaliyeed yeellato nabadoon ka xigsada xaajo walba oo la soo darista beesha uu hadba odaygga u yahay isaga oo xiriir toos ah la yeellanaya duubabka la midka ah ee beellaha kale. Axad, Janaayo 05, 2014 (HOL) — Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed Maxamed ayaa soo dhaweeyay doorashadii guddoonka baarlamaanka Puntland ee shalay lagu soo gaba-gabeeyay magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta Puntland. Axad, Janaayo 05, 2014 (HOL) —Xafiiska siyaasadda ee Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya qaybtiisa Puntland ayaa maanta deeq ka kooban 600 oo ah diriiska ciidamada wuxuu ku wareejiyey guddiga ammaanka Puntland xilliga doorashada. Axad, Janaayo 05, 2014 (HOL) —Baarlamaanka Puntland oo maanta fadhigoodii ugu horreeyey isugu yimid kaddib markii ay shalay doorteen guddoonka sare ee Golaha, ayaa maanta ansixiyey hab-raaca guddiga xildhibaanada ah ee maamuli doona doorashada madaxtinimada. Axad, Janaayo 05, 2014 (HOL) — Saddex askari oo ka tirsan ciidanka dowladda Somalia ayaa lagu xukumay dil toogasho, kaddib markii lagu helay inay dileen askar iyo dad shacab ah, sida uu sheegay guddoomiyaha maxkamadda ciidanka qalabka sida ee dowladda Soomaaliya faraceed gobollada Bay iyo Bakool, Sheekh Xuseen Maxamed Mursal. Axad, Janaayo 05, 2014 (HOL) — Bakhaar ay hay’adda MSF ku kaydsan jirtay qalabka caafimaadka iyo dawooyinka ayaa waxaa baabi’iyay dad ka kacay shalay gellinkii dambe, sida uu sheegay sarkaal u hadlay hay’adda. Garissa County governor Nathif Jama over the weekend said he will not apologise to school heads over remarks that school administrators who serve more than four years and continue to post poor results will face the sack. A third man has died from injuries suffered in the blast that leveled a Cedar-Riverside grocery and apartment building. Abdiquni Adan, 29, died Friday afternoon at Hennepin County Medical Center of “complications of injuries sustained in a building fire... ST. PAUL, Minnesota (AP) A third person injured in an explosion at a Minneapolis apartment building housing Somali immigrants has died, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office said Saturday. 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FRONTERA. Afirma experto que infarto gana terreno entre jovenesShare Tweet Comentarios GUADALAJARA(Agencias) El experto Jose Saul Espinoza Anguiano dijo que aunque su predominio es en adultos entre 45 y 55 anos, el infarto al miocardio es una afeccion que gana terreno entre jovenes, debido al inicio temprano de tabaquismo y al consumo de drogas como cocaina. El cardiologo del Hospital de Especialidades del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) en Jalisco, indico que el infarto al miocardio puede dividirse en tres grandes grupos: 'el de adultos de entre 45 y 55 anos, seguido por el de adultos mayores de 75 anos, y en tercer lugar el de adolescentes y jovenes'. El experto en fisiologia cardiaca dijo que el grupo mas afectado, el de adultos en edad productiva, desarrolla la patologia cardiaca por la suma de varios factores, muchos de ellos modificables como el tabaquismo y consumo de alcohol. 'Pero tambien en el rango de edad de 45 a 55 y 60 anos, es comun que existan co-morbidos, es decir, otras patologias, en su mayoria cronicas como diabetes, hipertension y colesterol elevado, que van a repercutir en dano cardiaco en mayor o menor grado'. Explico que aunado a lo anterior, el sobrepeso y la obesidad, consecuencia ambos de estilos de vida poco saludables, son importantes precursores de infartos, porque una dieta rica en grasas saturara vasos sanguineos y desencadenara una pobre circulacion sanguinea. Subrayo que se puede considerar que la enfermedad obstructiva del corazon, 'que en buen numero de casos tiene como manifestacion mas representativa el infarto, es altamente prevenible'. Recomendo abandonar adicciones, modificar habitos alimenticios y procurar mayor actividad fisica, 'con lo cual no solo se evita dano al corazon, sino a practicamente la totalidad de los organos y sistemas del cuerpo'. Subrayo que el infarto puede ser fulminante o pasar desapercibido, lo cual depende de la arteria que por su taponamiento lo haya ocasionado. Aconsejo a quienes tienen antecedentes familiares de cardiopatias o de enfermedades cronicas como diabetes, hipertension y dislipidemias, hacerse revisiones periodicas de la funcion cardiaca. Manifesto que tras un infarto cardiaco, la mayoria de los pacientes queda con algunas limitaciones y si se considera que la edad en que ocurren es productiva, el impacto en la calidad de vida es muy significativo. Resalto la importancia de comer con mayor equilibrio en los grupos de alimentos, 'privilegiar los vegetales, pero tambien es primordial la practica periodica de ejercicio y, muy importante dejar de fumar y de consumir drogas, porque todos estos factores son precursores importantes de dano cardiaco'. ... Los comentarios a las notas son responsabilidad de los usuarios. Ayudenos a que sus contenidos sean adecuados. Participe responsablemente y denuncie los comentarios inapropiados. Los comentarios que sean denunciados por los usuarios se eliminaran de forma automatica. Revise por favor las reglas completas que regulan los comentarios de los usuarios. Por favor habilite JavaScript para poder ver comentarios por Disqus. Descarga el Toolbar de Frontera.info SIGUENOS EN: Derechos Reservados © 2013 FRONTERA, Diario Independiente de Tijuana. 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NESN Red Sox Boston Red Sox News Schedule MLB Standings Stats Roster Video Live Blog MLB Odds Fantasy Fenway Park Prepares for Frozen Fenway, Community Sledding in Timelapse Video (Video) The Frozen Fenway festivities are underway with Hockey East rivals going at it on the ice and Boston residents taking part in community sledding inside America’s most beloved ballpark. Fenway was one of the first major league ballparks to take part in the NHL’s Winter Classic series in 2010, and the market for watching outdoor […] by Alison Smith Orioles Sign Former Red Sox Outfielder Quintin Berry to Minor League Deal The Baltimore Orioles have signed former Boston Red Sox outfielder Quintin Berry to a minor-league contract, the club announced on Friday. This move gives the Orioles more outfield depth, an upgrade to their defense and much-needed speed on the basepaths. Baltimore lost its top base stealer from 2013 when Nate McLouth signed with the Washington […] by NESN Staff Hot Stove Cool Music Boston Series Returns Jan. 11 and Jan. 21 Get ready to support a good cause while enjoying festive music and baseball talk. The Hot Stove Cool Music Boston Series is back. The 2013 Hot Stove Cool Music Concert and VIP party will take place Saturday, Jan. 11 at the Paradise Rock Club on Commonwealth Ave. in Boston. This year’s Hot Stove Cool Music […] by Ricky Doyle Bruins Boston Bruins News Schedule NHL Standings Stats Roster Video Live Blog NESN Nation NHL Odds Fantasy Torey Krug Ties NHL Lead For Goals Scored Among Defensemen in Bruins’ Win Over Jets (Video) Torey Krug scored twice in the Boston Bruins’ 4-1 victory over the Winnipeg Jets on Saturday afternoon, which moved him into a tie with Ottawa’s Erik Karlsson and Nashville’s Shea Weber for the NHL lead in goals scored by defensemen (10). Krug’s second goal was a result of a little luck. He fired the puck […] by NESN Video Torey Krug Breaks Out in Big Way As Bruins Take Care of Business Before Difficult Road Trip BOSTON — Maybe Torey Krug should take maintenance days a little more often. The Bruins defenseman didn’t practice Friday morning, the beneficiary of what B’s coach Claude Julien labeled a “maintenance day.” Krug was dealing with some sort of nagging ailment and was even a gametime decision Saturday afternoon against the Winnipeg Jets. The decision […] by Mike Cole Bruins Able to Tackle Road Trip After Ending Homestand on Good Note With Win Over Jets (Video) The Bruins’ most recent homestand started off with a 5-3 loss to the New York Islanders, but ended with two wins. The B’s toppled the Winnipeg Jets on Saturday afternoon and will kick off a West Coast swing starting Tuesday against the Anaheim Ducks. Goaltender Tuukka Rask made 37 stops on the day against the […] by NESN Video Patriots New England Patriots News Schedule NFL Standings Stats Roster Video Live Blog NFL Odds Fantasy Charlie Moore Joins Kyle Arrington at His Annapolis, Md. Home On New Episode of ‘Charlie Moore Outdoors’ (Video) Crabcakes and football, that’s what Maryland does. The Old Line State has played home to more than one member of the New England Patriots, and this Sunday, Charlie Moore takes some time out to explore all that Annapolis, the state’s capital, has to offer. The Mad Fisherman joins Maryland native and Patriots cornerback Kyle Arrington […] by NESN Staff Aqib Talib, Devin McCourty Being Voted to All-Pro Team Shows Patriots’ Secondary Has Become Top-Tier Unit FOXBORO, Mass. — The news that he was a second-team All-Pro came as a surprise to New England Patriots cornerback Aqib Talib. “What?” Talib said when asked to comment about his selection. “Oh, did I?” Talib then informed his fellow secondary mate, safety Devin McCourty, that he too made the All-Pro second team. “Nah,” McCourty said in […] by Doug Kyed Tom Brady Does Not Make Richard Sherman’s Top Five Smartest NFL Quarterbacks List Tom Brady got the ol’ “honorable mention” from Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman. Sherman listed his top five smartest quarterbacks in his weekly column on MMQB.com, and the New England Patriots quarterback didn’t quite make the cut. Sherman’s five were, from No. 1: Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, […] by NESN Staff Celtics Boston Celtics News Schedule NBA Standings Stats Roster Video Live Blog NBA Odds Fantasy Celtics-Thunder Live: Brad Stevens, Boston Simply Hope for Best Against Formidable Oklahoma City 8 a.m. ET: There are unfavorable matchups and then there is the contest the Celtics have upcoming on Sunday. The Celtics, who have lost six of their last seven games, head to the Sooner State to take on the Oklahoma City Thunder. Kevin Durant and OKC are reeling from the loss of Russell Westbrook, having […] by Ben Watanabe Avery Bradley, Celtics ‘Excited’ for Tough Road Trip, Month That Could Make or Break Season BOSTON — The New Year brought a new challenge for the Celtics, who kicked off a grueling January with two straight losses to the Bulls and Pelicans to dig themselves deeper in the standings. Now, they embark on a virtually impossible five-game road trip in a daunting first month of 2014, just as darkness threatens […] by Ben Watanabe Pelicans Forward Ryan Anderson Carted Off Court After Suffering Neck Injury BOSTON — A relatively benign-looking collision turned scary on Friday when New Orleans Pelicans forward Ryan Anderson was forced to leave the game against the Celtics with a cervical stinger. Gerald Wallace collided with Anderson on an awkward-looking play in which Anderson’s left leg buckled, sending the six-year NBA veteran to the floor. Anderson lay […] by Ben Watanabe MLB MLB News MLB Scoreboard MLB Stats MLB Standings MLB Odds Fantasy Orioles Sign Former Red Sox Outfielder Quintin Berry to Minor League Deal The Baltimore Orioles have signed former Boston Red Sox outfielder Quintin Berry to a minor-league contract, the club announced on Friday. This move gives the Orioles more outfield depth, an upgrade to their defense and much-needed speed on the basepaths. Baltimore lost its top base stealer from 2013 when Nate McLouth signed with the Washington […] by NESN Staff Hot Stove Cool Music Boston Series Returns Jan. 11 and Jan. 21 Get ready to support a good cause while enjoying festive music and baseball talk. The Hot Stove Cool Music Boston Series is back. The 2013 Hot Stove Cool Music Concert and VIP party will take place Saturday, Jan. 11 at the Paradise Rock Club on Commonwealth Ave. in Boston. This year’s Hot Stove Cool Music […] by Ricky Doyle James Loney’s Contract With Rays Marks Largest Free-Agent Investment by Current Ownership Group The Tampa Bay Rays typically don’t spend much money in free agency, so James Loney‘s contract is large by their standards. The Rays officially announced Friday that they have signed Loney to a three-year, $21 million deal. It is the largest free-agent investment made by the Rays since Stuart Sternberg‘s ownership group took over in […] by Ricky Doyle NHL NHL News NHL Scoreboard NHL Stats NHL Standings NHL Odds Fantasy Bat Flies Around Bell Centre, Interrupts Montreal Canadiens-Ottawa Senators Game (Video) There was an unusual delay of game Saturday night in Montreal when the Canadiens took on the Senators, but neither the coaches nor the players were responsible. During the first period with the Sens up 1-0, a bat dipped down toward the ice from the rafters of the Bell Centre, interrupting the impending face-off. The […] by Alison Smith Anaheim Ducks Re-sign Forward Andrew Cogliano to Four-Year, $12 Million Deal The Anaheim Ducks locked up two pillars of their franchise last season by re-signing superstar forwards Ryan Getzlaf and Corey Perry to similar eight-year contracts. The next item on general manager Bob Murray‘s to-do list was to re-sign his second-tier forwards to ensure the club has an adequate amount of scoring depth, and that process continued […] by Nicholas Goss World Junior Championship Semifinal Between Sweden, Russia Ended With a Brawl (Video) Fighting isn’t allowed in international hockey, but that didn’t stop Sweden and Russia from throwing punches at the end of Saturday’s World Junior Championship semifinal game that the Swedes won 2-1. After the final faceoff, Sweden maintained possession of the puck along the boards and Russia was unable to get a final chance to tie […] by Nicholas Goss NFL NFL News NFL Scoreboard NFL Stats NFL Standings NFL Odds Fantasy Andrew Luck Draws Comparisons to Michael Jordan From Colts General Manager for Late-Game Heroics Andrew Luck dug the Indianapolis Colts into their 28-point hole, but he was also responsible for digging them back out. Luck threw three interceptions to help the Chiefs build their commanding 38-10 lead early in the third quarter, but he threw four touchdown passes in the second half to lead Indy all the way back […] by Luke Hughes Chargers-Bengals Wild Card Playoff Live: Patriots Will Play Colts on Saturday; San Diego Beats Cincinnati 27-10 Final, Chargers 27-10: This one is all wrapped up. The Bengals couldn’t end it with a meaningless touchdown. After watching Andy Dalton, Patriots fan may wish their team was facing Cincinnati. San Diego matches up well with the Broncos, however. They already beat Denver at Sports Authority Field at Mile High. Fourth quarter, 2:17, Chargers 27-10: Maybe […] by Doug Kyed Report: Mike Munchak to Interview for Penn State Job Days After Being Fired by Tennessee Titans Mike Munchak turned down an extension with the Tennessee Titans earlier this week and was ultimately fired as the team’s head coach on Saturday. He may have another job already lined up, though. Munchak will interview for the Penn State head coaching job this week, according to ESPN’s Chris Mortensen. There is mutual interest from both sides about […] by Luke Hughes NBA NBA News NBA Scoreboard NBA Stats NBA Standings NBA Odds Fantasy Dennis Rodman Puts Together Team of Former NBA Players to Play Exhibition Game in North Korea AP — Dennis Rodman has named a team of former NBA players to play an exhibition basketball game in Pyongyang, North Korea. Rodman will lead the team that includes former NBA All-Stars Kenny Anderson, Cliff Robinson, and Vin Baker. Craig Hodges, Doug Christie and Charles D. Smith are on the team, as well. They will […] by Associated Press Dallas Mavericks Make Anchorman Parody, Dirk Nowitzki Stars as Ron Burgundy (Video) “Mavs hoops team assemble!” The Dallas Mavericks are one of the NBA’s most outgoing teams, and they aren’t afraid to show off their acting skills in hilarious YouTube videos. The latest skit from the team is a parody of the popular movie Anchorman. Playing the part of Will Ferrell‘s Ron Burgundy character is Mavericks star […] by NESN Staff Pelicans Forward Ryan Anderson Carted Off Court After Suffering Neck Injury BOSTON — A relatively benign-looking collision turned scary on Friday when New Orleans Pelicans forward Ryan Anderson was forced to leave the game against the Celtics with a cervical stinger. Gerald Wallace collided with Anderson on an awkward-looking play in which Anderson’s left leg buckled, sending the six-year NBA veteran to the floor. Anderson lay […] by Ben Watanabe HEA Hockey East News NESN TV Schedule Scores and Schedule Standings Fantasy Frozen Fenway Serves as Thrilling Opening Act for Holy War on Ice Between Boston College, Notre Dame Even as the clock ticked toward midnight after a long, cold day of hockey, Boston College and Notre Dame refused to call it a night without giving the Fenway Faithful one last bit of drama. Down 4-3 with the goalie pulled in the game’s final minute, the Fighting Irish made one final assault on BC […] by Zack Cox Merrimack and Providence Play to 1-1 Tie, Boston College Defeats Notre Dame 4-3 At Frozen Fenway 2014 (Video) Merrimack and Providence took part in the first game of Saturday’s Hockey East doubleheader at Frozen Fenway 2014, and after failing to score in the first 40 minutes, the two teams provided fans with an exciting third period that included two goals scored within three minutes of one aother. An overtime period was needed with the […] by NESN Video Providence, Merrimack Skate to Draw on Choppy Ice in Frozen Fenway Opener BOSTON — Offense was sparse in the opening game of Frozen Fenway 2014 between Providence and Merrimack, as goalies Nick Ellis and Rasmus Tirronen both took shutouts deep into the third period. Merrimack senior — and Boston native — Mike Collins put the Warriors on the board first with a rocket past Ellis on the […] by Zack Cox LFC Liverpool FC News Liverpool FC Official Site Liverpool FC on Twitter Liverpool FC on Facebook Fantasy Iago Aspas Scores First Liverpool Goal, As Reds Defeat Oldham in Third Round of FA Cup Iago Aspas‘ second-half effort and an own goal edged Liverpool into the fourth round of the FA Cup with a 2-0 victory over Oldham Athletic that the Reds were forced to work hard for at Anfield on Sunday. The Spaniard struck on a bitterly cold afternoon in L4, notching his first competitive strike for the […] by Liverpool FC Staff Daniel Agger Delighted to Captain Liverpool at Anfield for First Time, Score Game-Winning Goal Against Hull City Daniel Agger acknowledged that he joined an elite club when he captained Liverpool at Anfield on Wednesday, but the Danish defender was equally preoccupied with ensuring his side claimed three points. The Reds’ No. 5 broke the deadlock against Hull City by nodding home a Philippe Coutinho corner, laying the foundation for a Luis Suarez […] by LiverpoolFC.com Daniel Agger, Luis Suarez Start Liverpool’s 2014 Campaign With Win Over Hull Liverpool bounced back from successive defeats and kicked off 2014 with a home victory as efforts by Daniel Agger and Luis Suarez guided the Reds to a 2-0 win against Hull City on Wednesday. Vice captain Agger punctuated a scrappy opening period with a well-placed header eight minutes before halftime, and Suarez needed just four […] by Liverpool FC Staff Soccer Soccer News Liverpool FC Manchester United FC Arsenal FC Premier League New England Revolution Fantasy Iago Aspas Scores First Liverpool Goal, As Reds Defeat Oldham in Third Round of FA Cup Iago Aspas‘ second-half effort and an own goal edged Liverpool into the fourth round of the FA Cup with a 2-0 victory over Oldham Athletic that the Reds were forced to work hard for at Anfield on Sunday. The Spaniard struck on a bitterly cold afternoon in L4, notching his first competitive strike for the […] by Liverpool FC Staff Eusebio, Portuguese Soccer Legend, Dies of Heart Failure at Age 71 LISBON, Portugal – Eusebio, the Portuguese soccer star who was born into poverty in Africa but became an international sporting icon and was voted one of the 10 best players of all time, has died aged 71, his longtime club Benfica said. He died Sunday, the club announced on its website, without providing further details. Eusebio […] by Associated Press Jurgen Klinsmann Calls 26 U.S. Soccer Players to California Camp, Begins Preparations for 2014 World Cup CHICAGO — U.S. soccer coach Jurgen Klinsmann is turning to experienced hands as he sets his roster for the World Cup in Brazil. He has called 26 players to Carson, Calif., for a camp that runs from Jan. 6 to Feb. 1. After six days in California, 23 players will head to Sao Paulo from […] by Associated Press Odds NFL Odds NBA Odds MLB Odds NHL Odds College Football Odds EPL Odds Betting Articles Fantasy Colin Kaepernick, 49ers Look to Continue Dominance Against Aaron Rodgers, Packers in NFC Wild-Card Playoff The San Francisco 49ers and Green Bay Packers met in the second round of last season’s playoffs. This time around, the two teams will meet in the first round, as the Packers host the 49ers at 4:40 p.m. Sunday on FOX. The Packers (who have dropped to 14-1 on the Super Bowl futures at Bovada […] by Partner Staff Marvin Lewis, Bengals Face All the Pressure As They Host Chargers in AFC Wild-Card Matchup The San Diego Chargers last played a playoff game in Cincinnati in 1982, when the wind chill was minus 59. The weather will be a lot warmer this weekend, but will the Chargers be able to do against the Cincinnati Bengals what they couldn’t in the “Freezer Bowl”? The rematch is 1:05 p.m. Sunday on […] by Partner Staff Surging Colts Aim to Make Alex Smith, Chiefs Uncomfortable on Road in AFC Wild-Card Showdown in Indianapolis The Kansas City Chiefs won only two games last season but won 11 games this year. The Indianapolis Colts won only two games two seasons ago. Now, they’re making a second straight playoff appearance, having won 11 games this campaign. The two up-and-coming teams meet to start the NFL playoffs, with the odds listed as […] by Partner Staff TV Schedule Today’s Schedule NESN Shows NESN Team NESN Channel Listings NESN National About NESNNESN ConnectsNESN NationalCareersContactNOW: Bruins In Two: Bruins vs. Final, Chargers 27-10: This one is all wrapped up. The Bengals couldn’t end it with a meaningless touchdown. After watching Andy Dalton, Patriots fan may wish their team was facing Cincinnati. San Diego matches up well with the Broncos, however. They already beat Denver at Sports Authority Field at Mile High. Dalton connected with Marvin Jones. Dalton was then sacked by Chargers defensive tackle Cam Thomas, Giovani Bernard dropped a pass and Dalton missed Marvin Jones on 4th and 13. As I was typing that update up, Ronnie Brown ran for a long touchdown. This game is officially put away. The Patriots will face the Colts next Saturday at 8:15 p.m. Fourth quarter, 4:14, Chargers 20-10: San Diego continues to struggle to close out this game. Ryan Mathews is staying on the sideline for undisclosed reasons, so Danny Woodhead and Ronnie Brown have been responsible for running the ball to try to eat clock. It’s not working so far. The Chargers went 3 and out. Fourth quarter, 4:44, Chargers 20-10: Andy Dalton made a puzzling decision on 4th and 3 at midfield. He chucked the ball deep — too deep — over Marvin Jones’ head. That could very well be the ball game if the Chargers can get the ball moving on the ground. Earlier in the drive, Dalton threw deep to A.J. Green, who couldn’t hold onto the well-placed ball. The Bengals can’t get out of their own way right now. Fourth quarter, 7:55, Chargers 20-10: The Bengals are doing their best to give this game away, but the Chargers aren’t letting them. San Diego could have put this game away with a score, but the Cincinnati defense is holding strong. The Bengals could be right back in this game with a field goal or touchdown. Fourth quarter, 10:28, Chargers 20-10: Andy Dalton really does not want to win this game nor face the Patriots. The Bengals quarterback was picked off by Chargers outside linebacker Melvin Ingram. He now has two interceptions and a lost fumble. He was moving the ball before the turnover, too, completing passes to Marvin Jones, A.J. Green and Giovani Bernard. But then he completed one to Melvin Ingram and all of his progress was lost. Fourth quarter, 14:16, Chargers 20-10: The Chargers couldn’t get it in on third down, so they settled for the field goal. A 10-point lead is still commanding, but it doesn’t put quite as much pressure on Dalton and the Bengals. Now, they can settle for the field goal without thinking they have failed. End third quarter, Chargers 17-10: The Chargers have the ball on Cincinnati’s 1-yard line. If they can get another touchdown here, this game might be out of reach for Dalton and the Bengals. Third quarter, 1:11, Chargers 17-10: The Bengals just got Andy Dalton’d again. The Bengals quarterback faced pressure and chucked an ill-advised throw off his back foot right into San Diego cornerback Shareece Wright’s waiting arms. Wright brought it back deep into Bengals territory. The Chargers are knocking on the door again. Third quarter, 2:00, Chargers 17-10: The Chargers now had a touchdown lead over the Bengals, which is key in this back-and-forth game. Philip Rivers only has 128 passing yards, but he’s done a nice job of spreading the ball around to all of his targets. Third quarter, 5:57, Chargers 14-10: Welp, that was a horrendous three-play drive for Andy Dalton. He got sacked on the first play after he had plenty of time to throw the ball away, then he threw an incomplete pass. On the third play, he scrambled, dove head first and fumbled the ball away to Chargers safety Jahleel Addae. San Diego now has the ball at midfield. Dalton dove head first — short of the first down — landed on the football and it popped out. Third quarter, 6:46, Chargers 14-10: The Chargers have retaken the lead. Rivers got the Chargers into the red zone on a 33-yard pass to Eddie Royal. On the next play, Rivers chucked it up in the end zone to super-athletic tight end Lardarius Green for the touchdown. Green showed great field awareness by tapping his second foot before going out of bounds. The more I think about it, I think the Patriots match up better with the Colts than the Bengals. Patriots fans should probably be cheering for San Diego in this one. Third quarter, 12:26, Bengals 10-7: The Bengals couldn’t get anything going on their first drive on the second half. It would have been big for the Bengals to get another score to start the third quarter. End half, Bengals 10-7: There was some major confusion at the end of that half. Jermaine Gresham made a catch down the sidelines, got both feet in bounds, had a foot touch out of bounds, then dropped the ball when he landed, making it appear that it would be ruled a non-catch because of the Calvin Johnson rule (must maintain possession through the catch, even when going to the ground). The Bengals then spiked the ball with two seconds left because the clock did not stop (he had forward progress before he went out of bounds). Jeff Triplette and his crew decided to review the Gresham catch, even though Cincinnati had just spiked the ball. Triplette said that since Gresham had forward progress, the catch stood. No one understands the Calvin Johnson rule. The Bengals then kicked a field goal with two seconds left and they lead by three at the half. It appears they should have got the ball back with 10 seconds left, since that was how much time was left after Gresham’s catch. Second quarter, 1:14, 7-7: All that fumble wound up being was a field-position change. The Chargers drained 33 second off the clock and pushed the Bengals back to their own 32-yard line. The Chargers went 3 and out. Second quarter, 1:47, 7-7: The Bengals were gaining that momentum I was just talking about and then the Chargers ripped it away. Marvin Jones made two huge plays. The biggest was a 49-yard diving grab down the sideline that put Cincinnati inside the red zone. Then Andy Dalton hit Giovani Bernard, and as he was racing for the end zone, Chargers linebacker Donald Butler stripped the rookie running back. The ball was recovered by Chargers cornerback Richard Marshall. The play was reviewed and it stands. San Diego has the ball. Second quarter, 3:37, 7-7: The Chargers couldn’t get anything going and went 3 and out. Philip Rivers came close to picking up a first down on the ground, but came up half a yard short. There’s not much rhythm to this game so far. Either team has a chance to get the momentum with a big play. Second quarter, 5:59, 7-7: We’re all locked up at 7-7 now. Rookie running back Giovani Bernard showed off some impressive strength for his size on that drive. He now has six carries for 25 yards. Dalton showed some impressive poise on his touchdown pass to tight end Jermaine Gresham. He got hit while he threw, but still delivered the pass accurately. That was Dalton’s first postseason touchdown pass in three games. Second quarter, 12:06, Chargers 7-0: The Chargers went 3 and out on that drive, picking up just 8 yards on Ryan Mathews carries. It looked like there was some miscommunication between Rivers and wide receiver Keenan Allen on 3rd and 2. Rivers’ pass went incomplete. Second quarter, 13:37, Chargers 7-0: Andy Dalton is starting off this game off pretty Andy Daltonish. On 3rd and 1, Dalton’s throw was nearly picked off. He’s now 3 for 6 for 26 yards. Dalton has a lot to prove in this game. The Bengals have nearly every advantage against the Chargers except at quarterback. First quarter, 0:48, Chargers 7-0: The Danny Woodhead signing worked out for the Chargers during the regular season and it’s already paying off in the playoffs. Woodhead has three carries for 13 yards and a touchdown with two catches for 14 yards Woodhead took in his score from five yards out. It was his first-career postseason touchdown. San Diego’s most impressive play came when Rivers evaded pressure, rolled out to his left and floated his pass out to Woodhead. First quarter, 7:44: The Bengals fared just slightly better than the Bengals on their first drive. Running back BenJarvus Green-Ellis picked up two first downs. Former Patriots punter Zoltan Mesko was picked up by Cincinnati this week. His punted landed at the 14-yard line, pinning San Diego with some less-than-ideal field position. First quarter, 11:44: The Chargers got just one first down on their opening drive. The lone first down came on a Danny Woodhead reception. Running back Ryan Mathews had two carries for 9 yards. Woodhead also had one carry for three yards. Quarterback Philip Rivers was sacked on 3rd and 5. First quarter, 15:00: Cincinnati won the toss and chose to defer. The Chargers will start with the ball. 12:55 p.m: We’re getting close to kickoff. Bengals wide receiver Marvin Jones is a player to watch. He’s been a force in the end zone this season with 10 touchdowns. He had 51 catches for 712 yards. He was a steal as a fifth-round pick in last year’s draft. 11:35 a.m.: We’re an hour and a half from kickoff and approximately four and a half hours from knowing who the Patriots are playing in Round 2. The inactives are in. Cornerback Terence Newman, running back Rex Burkhead, tight end Kevin Brock, wide receivers Ryan Whalen and Dane Sanzenbacher, defensive tackle Ogemdi Nwagbuo and offensive tackle Tanner Hawkinson are inactive for the Bengals; defensive tackle Sean Lissemore, safety Brandon Taylor, wide receiver Lavelle Hawkins, cornerback Marcus Cromartie, offensive linemen Kenny Wiggins and Stephen Schilling and quarterback Brad Sorensen are inactive for the Chargers. 8 a.m. ET: It’s impressive that Andy Dalton has been able to lead the Cincinnati Bengals to the playoffs in his first three seasons in the NFL. The Bengals quarterback has struggled in those postseason appearances, however — Dalton has yet to win a playoff game. The third-year signal caller has a 56.9-percent completion percentage, 384 yards, four interceptions and zero touchdowns in his two postseason games. Dalton must play better if Cincinnati hopes to beat Philip Rivers and the San Diego Chargers. The Chargers quarterback has fared better in seven postseason games, but not by much. He’s 3-4 while completing 58.5 percent of his passes for 1,820 yards and eight touchdowns with nine interceptions. (Interesting note to New England Patriots fans: Rivers is 0-2 against the Patriots in the playoffs and 2-0 head to head with Peyton Manning. If San Diego wins, Rivers would face Manning’s Broncos. Rivers hasn’t appeared in the postseason since losing to the Mark Sanchez-led New York Jets in 2009. Rivers had a vintage season under the underrated Chargers head coach, Mike McCoy. Rivers led the league with a 69.5-percent completion percentage with 4,478 yards, 32 touchdowns and 11 interception. This matchup could come down to Dalton and Rivers. If there’s a weakness to Cincinnati, it’s Dalton’s inconsistency. The Chargers have a great, well-rounded offense with Ryan Mathews and Danny Woodhead at running back, while the Bengals have a top-rated defense that did not seem to skip a beat even after losing star defensive tackle Geno Atkins. They also have one of the best wide receivers in the NFL: A.J. Green. If the Bengals win, the Patriots face Cincinnati. If the Chargers win, New England plays the Colts. Stay here for all the latest updates leading up the game, which kicks off at 1:05 p.m. Have a question for Doug Kyed? Send it to him via Twitter at @DougKyedNESN or send it here. Andrew Luck Draws Comparisons to Michael… Chargers-Bengals Wild Card Playoff Live: Patriots… Ric Flair Visits 49ers Before Playoff… Report: Mike Munchak to Interview for… Philadelphia Eagles Players Can’t Accept Reality… Colin Kaepernick, 49ers Look to Continue… Iago Aspas Scores First Liverpool Goal,… Doc Rivers: ‘I did wish it… A.J. 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Doak Campbell StadiumDonald L. Radio AffiliatesFootball Broadcast InfoBasketball Broadcast InfoBaseball Broadcast InfoW. Baseball M. Basketball W. Basketball Cross Country Football Golf Sand Volleyball Soccer Softball Swimming & Diving M. Tennis W. Tennis Track & Field Volleyball Seminoles.com on FacebookSeminoles.com on TwitterSeminoles.com on YouTubeSeminoles. ACCAlumni AssociationIMG Corporate MarketingLicensingMarching ChiefsSeminole Tribe of FloridaFSU. Jan. As I stated yesterday, on behalf of our program and our University, I'd like to thank the BCS committee and Vizio for hosting us out here in Orange County. It's been a tremendous experience. Everything has been first class, providing us with everything we need to do to have a wonderful experience for our players. Our players have truly enjoyed it and probably one of the best experiences as far as having things to do, have downtime, rest time, well organized, extremely well done. It's been 10 years since I've been in this game, back in this game in 2003, and sometimes you don't realize how hard it is to get back. You think once you get here you can always get back. It's very tough. There's a lot of things that get involved with getting back to this game. It's truly a privilege to be involved in this game, and I think our players understand that, also. We have a special group of guys on our team. I've said that all along. We're an extremely talented football team, but I think we have better kids than we have players, I truly mean that. It's a group that on and off the field they do stuff the right way, they truly care for each other, they play for the right reasons. It's one of the most unselfish football teams, organizations, period, in not just football, that I've ever been a part of. They truly love each other and play for each other. To me as a coach you love to see that. It makes it fun to go to work every day because we have a tremendous staff, tremendous players and they're fun to be around. They're fun to be around when you're away from ball. They're fun to hang around when they come in your office and hang out. It's just a great group of guys. And I want to thank some guys from the past. You talk about the building of a program and we've been here for four years, but guys like Christian Ponder, Nigel Bradham Rodney Hudson, E.J. Manuel, Xavier Rhodes, Dustin Hopkins. Guys like that who have helped put us where we are right now. Those guys are just as important as the guys on this team, laying the foundation for leadership and a character and the way things are done and how we want them done at a championship level that have influenced these young guys that are here right now, and I think those guys are as big a part of this as anything. Our players have embraced all that. Our goal was to build a program. I said teams come and go, programs sustain the test of time. I think we're getting in that category where we can each year be expected to compete and compete at a high level. Very proud of that, and the structure and the system and the process has been very good. I still think our best game is out there. I'm looking forward to playing it on Monday night, and our kids are looking forward to the challenge. We've had a great week of practice. It's been a wonderful experience. Jimbo, the buildup for this game, the long wait, what was the biggest challenge? I think just keeping your emotions in check. I think the practices well, you have to practice well, you have to focus, but I think emotions are key to me in rivalry games and big games like this because you can get - you can get yourself dialed in on a day to day basis. That's got to be a habit when you go to play and you play a certain way. But your emotions can only stay at that top level, that high peak far a certain amount of time. If you get 'em there too quick, I think it can be detrimental, it can wear you out, and I think just making sure the emotional part of it was peaked at the right time so when we come into the game tomorrow that we'll be right where we need to be. But everything else as far as the number of practices, what we did to game plan, and the other thing is not trying to do too much. Sometimes you know so much about your opponent and you try to do too much. You have to play five more games to get all the plays in you want. You have to make sure you keep doing things you do well. You talked about chemistry within the team. What about within the staff and having six new guys? How did you go about putting that together? There was a lot of those guys I've known in the past. There was a lot of guys who philosophically believe a lot of the same things I do. Some came from very close to the same tree I do. And I think that was very critical because when you're talking about how you want to establish the whole organization - now, whether you go to the right or left or an X and O here and there can be debated, but the philosophical part of your organization of how you want things developed from top to bottom, how there's one voice, one heartbeat, I think that was very critical in bringing this staff together, and I've known a lot of these guys for a long time, almost every one of them, and to me they were from that same mold, that same belief, and I think that was the most critical part. I had to spend a lot of time into it. At the same time we've got great coaches and great recruiters. Not only do I love our players, I'd hate for our staff to break up. We first have our staff meeting in the morning and we have our 10 or 15 minutes together as an offensive, defensive staff to go over everything. I'd hate for it to break up. We get along. There's a bunch of guys there that they truly like each other and hang out together and it's been a tremendous group. This is the first time that you will be the head coach leading a team on the field with a chance to win the National Championship. How are you managing that today? How do you think you'll manage that tomorrow night? Hopefully I'll manage it very well. I'll rely on my experiences in the past and the folks that I've been around and the things that I believe. We have a core belief system of how I want things done and it's worked all year, worked in the past three years and we'll do the same things. To me whether it's the National Championship Game or the opening game of the year, it's still a football game. We're going to do the same base fundamentals, put our kids at ease with the things we do and how we believe and our routine will stay exactly the same, and hopefully we'll do very well. Your team this week has just been amazingly poised, speaking with one voice, basically the same thing, even keel. How difficult will it be in this next, less than 24 hour period to keep them on that same level of calmness and confidence and ready to play? I really don't think it'll be that tough because that's the way they've been all year. That's the way they've prepared. It's not you're trying to keep someone where they don't want to be. That's who they are. That's what they truly think. That's what they truly believe, and they trust and believe in each other and they trust and believe in the coaches, and we believe in them. So from that standpoint I don't think it will be hard at all because that's truly who they are. I just wanted to ask, one of your players was talking about Auburn's running game and how there's some smoke and mirrors involved with the way they run people across the faces of the linebacker and the corners to distract them. Can you explain what it is about that offense that makes it so difficult to handle? Well, you have to have eye discipline. Any time you have moving parts, any time you bring something in front of you, just like when you're driving, if somebody flashes a hand in front of you while you're driving down the road it makes you blink, it makes your eyes distracted and you get off of what you're looking at and then at the same time they become very physical with how they play, and you get yourself out of position, the knock you out of the way, and there's a four, five, eight, ten or they break a run right up the middle. At the same time they may hand it the next time. The key is you have to know what your assignment is, be disciplined, trust your eyes and not vary from that. Have the discipline to keep your eyes where they need to be so you can play with technique and use your abilities, and they do a great job of disguising all the things they do. Everybody knows the SEC has won seven straight national titles and you have your SEC roots. What would it mean to you to not only win the national title but to end that SEC streak? You know, I don't look at things that way, I really don't. I just control what we can control and that's how we play. I want to do it for our kids and our fans. I want us to play well and have success for the kids and how hard they've worked, what they've put into this and our fans that have been supportive of us and let us bring this program back. To me that's the key. Whether it's SEC, Big Ten, Pac 10, Pac 12, whatever it may be, it doesn't concern me of who we are playing. I just want us to play well and be happy for our folks. I just wanted to ask, also, Jameis Winston obviously has a tremendous amount of poise. How much does that account for the fact that you haven't been pushed in these games and that nobody has been able to be close, and what happens if Auburn is able to make it a tight game? How do you think Jameis will react? I think he'll react the same. When he walked out there at Pittsburgh with all the expectations things that went on at the beginning of the year, the hype he had coming onto a national stage with a national game on the first game, and going 25 of 27 I believe it was, he always played - he plays with pressure on him every day. He played with pressure that every play is the National Championship. That's how he goes about his business every day. He puts that pressure on himself the way he prepares every day. We go against our defense. To him if we lose in two minute drill or we lose in team or we do our good on good periods, to him that is competition every day and it's close because our defense is a great defense, and we create that atmosphere every day. I don't think it'll make him blink one bit. When you're doing homework and research on the team you're playing and the coach, how far back do you go to look at tape? Do you go to Gus's high school film? We see everything. We have a lot of guys on our staff that have played against Gus for a long time. They know a lot of his high school roots, they know a lot of people he was around and things he did. He affected Chad Morris, that's who Chad learned that offense from when he was at Clemson. You see a lot of the Gus stuff Chad did at Clemson, he'll have all those trick plays and different things in which they do and they've run them tomorrow night just like the defensive coordinator Ellis Johnson. I played against Ellis for a long time back when he was at Mississippi State, when he was at South Carolina, we research all the way back on all those guys and I keep a running record of all the guys we've played against and books all the guys we've every played against for the last 10, 15, years. We've got a running record of all those guys and we check all that stuff. Talking about Jameis again, we tend to forget how young he is, but he exudes such confidence. How would you describe that personality, that confidence, that swagger almost? Well, I think he has tremendous confidence without arrogance because he truly loves the game. He loves what he's doing. He loves his teammates. He plays to win. He doesn't play for individual accolades. He just loves competing and everything that goes with it, and he's worked at it his whole life and he truly believe he belongs here. When he hits these big moments he truly believes that's where he belongs so they don't overwhelm him. He just has an infectious attitude that affects our team, and he affects our team - everybody on our team, offense, defense, special teams, he has an affect on every one of them, and it's fun to watch and be around, but it's just an inner confidence that he has and believes in himself. Could you elaborate, you have a book on every coach you've faced? What does that look like? Just every practice schedule when we face somebody, everything we did, every film breakdown, every analogy, and we do a thing at the end of the game, things we've done well, things we've done poorly, things we'd do different in the game, big plays in the game, critical plays in the game, what that called when the game was on the line, what did that coordinator call, you have a list of those things and we keep on file on everybody, offense, defense, we've done it for years and you file them away and when you play them again you pull them out and see how they change or what they've done and things like that just to keep a running record of guys you play, because - whether in the conference, in this business you cross over so much. Could you look into the future a little bit and imagine having to play I wish I could. Playing another game eight to ten days after this? Yeah, it will be. It will be a very tough thing because the mental capacity to get up that many times, but it's what we'll have to do, and kids will adjust and they'll adapt. But it's going to be a challenge. It's going to be that much harder to get to where you want to go, that's for sure. You talked about keeping emotions in check and we talked about Jameis's age. He's an excitable kid, too. Tomorrow is his birthday. Do you talk to him beforehand to try to keep him from being too excited? We always have our ways, the same routine we'll go through and what we'll do. He'll handle that. He'll know. It'll be his birthday but he'll let the game override everything. We'll go through our same normal routine, the same talks which we always have. You've talked about how leadership can come from any class, but this senior class and the way some of those guys have in some cases stepped aside and let younger guys play and still been good teammates, could you talk about that class? Like I say, it's one of the most unselfish football teams I've ever been around, or any team for that matter, that they just want to be success, and whatever their role is and whatever the roles the coaches and we suggest, that's what they're willing to do, and that's very rare, especially in today's times with the entitlement of kids and if Johnny doesn't have success right now, he's leaving, he's transferring, all those types of things. It's a special group of guys who truly care, and I think it goes back to how much they love each other and the trust they have within each other and the trust they have in the coaches and us and them. I think they know when we communicate with them it's the truth, and we're not going to do anything that's detrimental to them and they trust us in that regard. That's a great point. I want to follow up on something that Dennis said. You don't have to worry about this until a future year, but the reality is if we're in a four team playoff and you're playing a semifinal you've got two teams that are lurking out there, as part of your preparation you've got to prepare in advance for two teams, right? How would that work?Well, you would have two or three weeks that you'd have your GAs break down both opponents and have them ready when you go back just like you would during the season. Those guys prepare for the next game just like our GAs are breaking down the future opponents two and three and four weeks ahead of time and we keep a running tab and see how they change. So we would do it just like the regular season, and that's where your infrastructure, your organization, have enough people to be able to do that and that's what you would do. You would break both teams down and when you come back on that Sunday and ready to play, you'd have the report of the team you were playing right then. How focused have you seen Jameis over this past month, especially considering he's playing a team from his home state and also he'll be playing this game on his birthday? He's been wonderful. Since he's been out here, the first give practices were good. We come back from Christmas, like I say, most of the guys took about a day to get back into the groove of things real quick after they ate a bunch of turkey and ham I guess, when they went home, but after that they practiced well and he's been laser focused, he really has, in the mental and physical preparation this week. He's been accurate with the ball, great decisions, being very decisive in everything in practice, and he's been very good. Obviously Auburn gets a certain amount of respect for turning a 3 9 season over like they have, but this time last year you lost that game against NC State, you had gotten rolled pretty good by Florida, you had the turnover in the assistants and your schedule was being questioned, the fan base was a little bit edgy. Talk about your comeback from that. Even though it was a pretty good season by most standards last year, you guys have come a long way from last year, haven't you? I think so. We never went anywhere, we never had to come back. We won the Orange Bowl and won 12 games. Could we have won another game or two, yeah, but you can say that every year. When 12 2 doesn't become good enough, we've got issues in this business. Because when you are winning 12 games a year and winning Orange Bowls and BCS and conference championships, you'd better appreciate those because it was about 10 or 12 years you couldn't have one of those. So I think that's ball. Other guys are on scholarship, other good players. We didn't go anywhere. We're the same team. We keep building. We learn from little mistakes we had and continue to grow. Can you sort of reflect back on when you took the reins from Bobby, and now that you're at the championship game, how does the timeline compare to what you expected back then, the timeline you set for yourself to get them to a championship game? I don't know if I ever set a time to get to a championship game, but I wanted - I set a timeline that I thought within four to five years that we could be one of the teams competing for championships year in and year out because of our recruiting and having the type of team that we've become, a program and not a team anymore, and that's what I wanted, and it's right on schedule for where I wanted to be, hopefully by our first senior class, that we were one of the teams that if we weren't in it that you would be talking about being in it or playing in a major bowl game and competing year in and year out, and that's kind of the timeline we set which we needed to be. But our staffs and the people that have worked here in the past and the guys that are here right now have done a tremendous job of getting players in and developing them, and we're very happy with where we're at. I don't know if you followed the Texas coaching search at all (laughter) I tried not to. I tried to coach. I was curious if I could borrow your book on Charlie Strong, and what are your impressions of Charlie? I went against Charlie a lot of years in the SEC and Charlie's an excellent coach, a very good guy, a good recruiter, I think he'll do an excellent job. I think he had done a tremendous job at Louisville turning those guys around. They've won, what, 23 or 24 games in the last two years. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but they've won an Orange Bowl and they won the Champs Bowl this year in a great game and played very well, or the Sugar Bowl last year, we won the Orange Bowl, didn't we? (Laughter). I think Charlie is an excellent coach, excellent guy. Great guy to talk - when you're out on the road, very personal guy. I think he'll get along, I think he'll interact with the press very well. I think you've got a very good coach. I think you've got a very, very good coach. You were talking about yesterday sort of when you took over modernizing the program somewhat. You said something about your mental conditioning of your players. Do you have mental conditioning coaches? How do you mentally condition players? Well, you have to teach guys how to think and handle and deal with situations. Yes, we do. We have guys who come in and talk to the guys. It's not just a game time thing or it's not just a during the season thing. This is a year round thing. You wonder why - when you talk to guys about how they believe and they to become unselfish and how they handle and do things, it's all integrated in our player development through the off season. We have a person in Trevor Mowat with API who does a tremendous, tremendous job with us developing our guys in the off season, we have sports psychologist guys which we also talk with, who are even above that, guys dealing with issues, family issues, how to deal with pressure, how to deal with different things. We have a group of guys just like a team of guys, just like you have tutors for a class, we have guys that teach our guys how to think, how to handle pressure, how to deal with things and how to develop their attitudes and priorities in life and how to structure themselves so they can think the right way. To me you talk about destinies and you talk about what a guy does, it's all about decision making. He has to understand how to make decisions in his life because if you make the right decisions, good things happen to you. We tell our players every day the most powerful thing you have, you control what happens to you. Nobody else controls in this world every controls what happens to you. You control what happens to you by the decisions you make on a daily basis. Those create habits and your habits create your attitude and in turn that's who you become as a person because that's what you do. We believe in developing that in the off season so our guys can make the right decisions on and off the field and they can be more consistent on how they do things. I think that's a huge part of what we do. It's been a key to our success. Going back to Coach Bowden, this is your team, all your players, but it's been a difficult week for Coach Bowden with loss of his grandson. He is here, doesn't know whether or not he'll go to the game. But talk about the foundation he laid for Florida State, and what part or piece if you win a National Championship is a piece of Bobby Bowden? I think Bobby Bowden will always be a piece of Florida State. He made Florida State a national brand name. That's the brand that the Florida State became was because of Coach Bowden and it has allowed us to have the successes we're having right now. Someone had to start this things and build it up and he took it and did it, and I like to say, I have the most respect for him. He was at practice yesterday, we talked at the AFCA breakfast, and my heart goes out to Jeff and his family, Jeff Bowden, as he lost one of his sons, TJ. Jeff was my coach. He coached me. We coached together. I remember when TJ was born, we were together at Samford University. I go back with that family a long time, and it's a great tragedy. It's a terrible tragedy what's happened to them, and for Coach Bowden to lose two grandchildren like he has in the past years and to lose a son, it's devastating. So much has been made about you having time with Nick Saban and the comparisons there and obviously with Bobby. Who else sort of influenced you in your time coming up as a coach? I think everyone. You love from everyone. Terry Bowden was with him for a long time. Les Miles, I was with for two years over there and learned things from, other assistant coaches year round you pick things up from. There's a lot of people. But I say also as a coach, and I never say this and this sounds crazy, my father and my mother, how to deal with people. They were leaders, they were teachers, my dad was a boss in the coal mines but he still handled people. When you're a coach you're in charge of people, how you deal with people and how you handle people. Those two are my two greatest influences in life with my mother and my father, without a doubt, but I've learned from all the other guys I've been around. Loading Tweets... CBS Cares | CBS Films | CBS Radio | CBS.com | CBSInteractive | CBSNews.com | CBSSports.com | CHOW | Clicker | CNET | College Network | GameSpot | Help.com | Last.fm | MaxPreps | Metacritic | MetroLyrics | Moneywatch | mySimon | Radio.com | Search.com | Shopper.com | Showtime | SmartPlanet | TechRepublic | TV.com | TVGuide.com | UrbanBaby.com | ZDNet | © 2013 CBS Interactive. All rights reserved. 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EL CLIMAED. Monsenor Sergio Alfredo Gualberti senalo que a pesar de la indiferencia, la Navidad recuerda el misterio del hijo de Dios que esta presente, no solo en la vida privada o de la comunidad catolica, sino en la sociedad boliviana. Monsenor Sergio Alfredo Gualberti. Foto. Un dia antes de la celebracion de Reyes, el Arzobispo de la Arquidiocesis de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Monsenor Sergio Alfredo Gualberti, hizo un llamado a la comunidad catolica a dar testimonio la palabra de Dios en una sociedad secularizada sin Dios o estado laico. En su homilia, Monsenor Gualberti afirmo que la modernidad de los tiempos hizo que muchos se olviden de la fe y religion como la base para la construccion de una sociedad mas justa y prefirieron enfrascarse en el materialismo, ateismo o la indiferencia antes de reconocer la existencia de Dios. "La Palabra ha puesto su morada en nosotros porque ha querido estar dentro del mundo y no fuera y entonces dentro de nuestras vidas y la gran tentacion de nuestro mundo del hoy es la de no reconocer su presencia de prescindir de Dios en la construccion de una sociedad mas justa y mas bien piensa en una sociedad secularizada sin Dios", dijo en la Catedral Metropolitana de Santa Cruz. El Arzobispo de la Arquidiocesis de Santa Cruz definio a las sociedades seculares o laicas, sin Dios, como "indiferentes" que viven sin referencia a los valores religiosos y a Dios, como padre y como autoridad superior de la vida humana: "La indiferencia es peor que el ateismo. La indiferencia si Dios existe no importa, o, de todos modos no la echa de menos". En ese sentido, senalo que a pesar de la indiferencia, la Navidad recuerda el misterio del hijo de Dios que esta presente, no solo en la vida privada o de la comunidad catolica, sino en la sociedad boliviana. "Por lo tanto, lo menos que podemos hacer los Cristianos es buscar devolverle el derecho de ciudadania a Dios, no dejarlo afuera para que tambien nuestra convivencia sea mas humanizada. Si Dios esta en medio de nosotros tambien nosotros nos relacionamos de diferente manera y nos relacionamos conforme al plan de Dios", sostuvo. En ese marco, invoco a la comunidad catolica que a pesar de la persecucion y las criticas, de quienes no creen en Dios, confiar en la fortaleza en Jesucristo que es la voz y el rostro de Dios. "Estas son las circunstancias en las que hoy nos toca actuar, anunciar con alegria y dar testimonio con sencillez, pero con fidelidad y firmeza la palabra de Dios. Este es el mejor servicio que podemos hacer a los demas y la sociedad ser testigos de un Dios", manifesto. Cuando el 2008, se aprobo la Constitucion Politica del Estado, el articulo 4 del texto, establecio libertad de religion, convirtiendo a un pais catolico por excelencia, en laico. El articulo 4 senala: "El Estado respeta y garantiza la libertad de religion y de creencias espirituales, de acuerdo con sus cosmovisiones. El Estado es independiente de la religion". 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Jan. 6, 2014, midnightTIGERS footy oval turned into a tennis court for old time's sake. Beryl Bourk, Lona Johnstone, Roy Scholz and Wilf Scholz were on hand to help launch the tournament. Picture: MARK JESSERBeryl Bourk, Lona Johnstone, Roy Scholz and Wilf Scholz play in the middle of the oval at the Albury Tigers ground. Beryl Bourk, Lona Johnstone, Roy Scholz and Wilf Scholz play in the middle of the oval at the Albury Tigers ground. Beryl Bourk, Lona Johnstone, Roy Scholz and Wilf Scholz play in the middle of the oval at the Albury Tigers ground. Beryl Bourk, Lona Johnstone, Roy Scholz and Wilf Scholz were on hand to help launch the tournament. Click or flick across for more photos of the old court. WIELDING an old wooden tennis racquet feels more like you’re swinging an axe, according to a veteran of the game. Roy Scholz, 77, joined in on Saturday night to help Albury Tennis Association launch celebrations for its 100th Easter Tennis tournament. Players donned period uniforms, acquired from second-hand shops and local players, to recreate the original tournament staged on Albury Sportsground oval between 1910 and 1940. A makeshift court was drawn up on the Tigers homeground, which once hosted sixteen grass courts to cater for regular play and the annual tennis extravaganza. Mr Scholz said it was a fitting return to the original home of tennis on the Border and described playing with the old equipment as a “real experience”. “It feels like you’re swinging around an axe because it’s got a heavy body and a small head,” he said. “The players these days don’t know how easy they have it. Margaret Court Cup players joined in on the celebrations where about 100 spectators watched the game while enjoying a barbecue and listening to history and commentary. The association’s Sandra Rouvray helped make the celebration possible, which is also set to include a celebratory dinner at the Commercial Club on Saturday, April 18. Former Davis Cup players Rex Hartwig and Allan Stone, also a TV commentator, have accepted the invite. BEECHWORTH'S first rodeo branded a success. Icy wonders on display at one of the world's largest ice and snow festivals. Aussies complete a 5-0 destruction of England, fielding an unchanged team throughout the series. THE Border's weekend sporting moments captured by our photographers. Copyright © 2014. Fairfax Media. Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... 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Errol Flynn and Beverly Aadland, 1959. Associated Press. ERROL Flynn once said: ‘I like my whisky old, and my women young’ and the above photo, while not saying anything about his choice of whisky, certainly says something about his taste in women, or should I say girls. The picture of Flynn, from May 1959, was taken a month or so before his fiftieth birthday and he’s accompanied by his girlfriend, Beverly Aadland, who was still a few months from her 17th birthday that September. According to Beverly’s mother, a former showgirl called Florence and who wrote about Flynn and Aadland’s romance in a book called The Big Love, by the summer of 1959 they had already been together for a year. Errol Flynn was born in Tasmania in 1909 but went to school from the age of fourteen to fifteen in Barnes in South West London. It was a very minor private school called The South West London College and has long disappeared. The building, however, still exists at numbers 99-101 Castelnau which is a road of Regency villas that lead up to the southern side of Hammersmith Bridge. After a particularly unhappy time in London (the culture shock must have been huge) Flynn returned to Australia in 1926 and was sent to the Sydney Church of England Grammar School. It wasn’t long before he was expelled, according to Flynn’s own account, for having sex with the school’s laundress. In 1933 he appeared as an amateur actor, albeit in the lead role as Christian Fletcher, in a cheap Australian film called In the Wake of the Bounty. Errol Flynn’s dialogue scenes in In The Wake of the Bounty, 1933. It was obvious to everyone, not least himself, that there was a lot to learn about acting and Flynn decided to sail back to England. After exaggerating and lying through his teeth about his limited acting experience, he appeared in repertory theatre in Northampton for several months (he is still remembered there and a cinema in the town is called the Errol Flynn Filmhouse). After a fight with a female stage manager that involved her falling down some stairs he was unsurprisingly dismissed. His charm had no equal and he was soon cast in the lead role in a film called Murder at Monte Carlo (now lost) which was being made at Teddington Studios. During the filming Warner Brothers were quick to contract him and Flynn emigrated to America as a studio actor. In Hollywood he was almost an immediate sensation. He starred in Captain Blood in 1935 – just two years after his stumbling efforts in the Wake of the Bounty film. Flynn was quickly typecast as a swashbuckler but maybe the greatest swashbuckler of them all and with the help of the direction of Michael Curtiz Flynn became, undoubtedly, one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Incidentally Errol Flynn’s father, Theodore Flynn and noted Australian zoologist had also travelled from Tasmania to the UK, and was the Professor of Marine Biology at Queen’s University in Belfast from 1930 until 1948. Back home from their matrimonial flight to Yuma, Ariz., Lily Damita, film actress, and Errol Flynn, actor are the perfect picture of domestic bliss in their Hollywood home, Los Angeles June 25, 1935, as they enjoy the same book together. Errol Flynn, swashbucklering hero of the films, is as he attended the Pacific Southwest Tennis Tournament with his actress wife, Lili Damita Sept. 19, 1937. In 1940, Flynn was at the height of his career and easily one of the most popular stars in America. His rise to the top was extraordinarily quick but so was his downfall. Flynn became an American citizen in 1942 which meant that he was eligible for the military draft. He attempted to join the armed services but was found to have several health problems. His heart was enlarged, with a murmur – in fact he had actually already suffered at least one heart attack; he had recurrent malaria (contracted in New Guinea before he became an actor), chronic back pain (for which he self-medicated with morphine and later, with heroin), lingering chronic tuberculosis and six separate STDs. The man who was known throughout the world for his athletic roles and male physical perfection failed three medicals, one for the army, navy and airforce (it was later rumoured that the same doctor that Flynn tried to persuade to help him pass the medical was the same as Ronald Reagan used to help him to avoid active overseas service). Warner Brothers kept quiet about Flynn’s ineligibility for armed service afraid that it would ruin Flynn’s reputation as a romantic hero. The public’s perception, however, was that Flynn was afraid to to enlist in the Armed Forces unlike many other Hollywood actors of service age. In 1943, a year after his divorce from Lili Damita, Flynn was taken to court accused of statutory rape by two underage girls, Betty Hansen and Peggy Satterlee. Amongst other stories the papers reported that Flynn had been calling the girls “J.B.” (jailbait) and “S.Q.Q.” (San Quentin Quail). Flynn was found innocent but it was rumoured that “nine housewives” in the jury had held a “private huddle” to convince the three hold-out votes, all men, to acquit. Although it seemed that Flynn had got away with it, in reality it was the beginning of the end of his career. During the trial he met 19 year old Nora Eddington who was working in the courtroom. They secretly married in Mexico in 1944 and had two children, Deidre and Rory before divorcing in 1949. Nora Eddington Flynn, 20 year old cigar store girl, carries her infant child, Deidre Eddington Flynn from the plane on arrival at Burbank, California, on April 3, 1945. Movie film star, Errol Flynn acknowledged marrying the girl secretly. In 1950, at the age of 41, and like many other stars who became famous in the 1930s, Flynn was released from his Warner Brothers contract in 1950. After this rejection his descent, both financially and physically, was quick. Flynn, albeit with a worn and bloated face worked on early television shows but his Hollywood superstar days were over. In 1957 while visiting a Hollywood studio he noticed a young blonde dancer called Beverly Aadland. It was 1957, and I was 15 and working on the Warner Bros, lot as a dancer in a scene with Gene Kelly in Marjorie Morningstar (a film with a character played by a 46 year old Gene Kelly seducing an 18 year old Natalie Wood) when Orry-Kelly, the designer, came fluttering over from the next set saying that Errol Flynn wanted to meet me. I wasn’t very enthusiastic—I had met a lot of movie stars. I was taught to be very polite, so I went. I met him in his dressing room, where his secretary was making coffee. No, I hadn’t heard about the statutory rape charges, about the teenage girls he had supposedly seduced. He asked me if I wanted to read for a play. I said I had to ask my mother, he said to use the phone. Errol said the reading would be at Huntington Hartford’s Hollywood estate, where he was staying. He said his secretary, his stuntman and his agent would be present, and also that he would like to take me to dinner. Mother finally said okay, that it would be a great opportunity. I remember driving up to the estate; it was gorgeous. I read for the part, but the whole thing was a ruse—somebody else already had the part. Then we went to dinner at the Imperial Gardens—no shoes and hot saki. I didn’t drink, but I had a little hot saki that night. Back at the house, the others just disappeared. The scene was lovely—a great fire was roaring in the fireplace. There were thick bearskin rugs on the marble floors. Outside the lodge, deer would come to the great front window. The lighting was soft. When Beverly’s mother Florence found out the couple were sleeping together Flynn managed to get her blessing by promising to sort out an acting career for her daughter. It was everything Florence wanted. It was rumoured that Flynn spoke to Stanley Kubrick about the film Lolita suggesting that both he and Aadland could play the relevant parts. Kubrick sensibly turned down the offer. Flynn then produced a short movie in Cuba in which Beverly could star called Cuban Rebel Girls. The film, on IMDB rates at 2.9/10, but that may very well be kind. It was a drama written and directed by Flynn about a group of young American volunteers helping in the fight against the Government of Fulgencio Batista, with an unhealthy and alcohol-ravaged Flynn appearing in a few scenes as a commentator and reporter. A few months later, in October, Flynn and Aadland were in Canada where Flynn was hoping to sell his luxury yacht. Suddenly he felt unwell – it may have been a recurrence of his malaria but well could have been his extended colon or the heart disease he had lived with for years – and they arranged for him to visit a doctor at a house in Vancouver. The Doctor and his wife realising a famous former movie star was about to visit their home invited guests around to meet him. In the last hour of his life Errol Flynn gave his finest performance. Last night, while an audience of seven people in a doctor’s house at Vancouver, Canada, rocked with laughter, Errol leaned nonchalantly against a wall in the living-room, pantomiming his entire fantastic career. Racked with pain, but with a grin on his face, Errol made merciless fun of himself and the whole Hollywood merry-go-round. When he finished his show he went towards another room. At the door Errol turned, raised a finger and said: ‘I shall return. Except he didn’t. Ten minutes later Aadland went to see if he was alright. He was already dead. Beverly Aadland was found wandering in the streets of Vancover wearing only underclothes and a negligee. She appeared to be in a daze, and said: “I can’t understand why everyone is so upset about Errol Flynn. He’s at hospital, but is coming home in the morning”. She bent down to pat a dog, and said: ‘You’re lonely, too, aren’t you?”. A few months later, in 1960 and back in Los Angeles, Beverly seemed to have forgotten Flynn, and was in a relationship with a young man called William Stanciu. Within a few weeks of seeing each other tragedy struck again when he was found unconscious in her apartment after being shot in the head. He died the next day in hospital on his 21st birthday. Although it was ruled an accident, Aadland`s story shifted all the time – initially she said it was suicide after Stanciu had told her to close her eyes but later she said that it was an unfortunate accident while they were playfully wrestling with each other. Not long after Stanciu’s death Florence Aadland was arrested for public drunkenness and Beverly was sent to a juvenile centre. Florence was found guilty of contributing to Beverly’s delinquency and was sentenced to jail for two months. This could ruin her night club career! They can’t send my baby to Juvenile Hall! There’s no telling what she’ll learn from those nasty girls in there. Florence then scolded the press for reporting that she was 53. “I’m only 46,” she said. (She was actually 50. It was reported by the LA Times that the Authorities had concluded that Beverly was a $100 a night under-age prostitute who had been ‘intimate with adult males since the age of 12’. It’s these young Hollywood men. If only Errol Flynn was alive my little girl wouldn’t be in this mess. Over the next few decades Beverly married twice and got divorced twice. Her final relationship was with a man called Ronald Fisher, a garage owner and auto-parts dealer. They married and Beverly became a housewife. Fisher said that it had been what she had wanted all her life. In 2010, 50 years after two of her lovers had died so unexpectedly, Beverly Aadland, at the age of 67, died of diabetes and heart disease. I did not deserve it, but I certainly didn’t mind spending it. The public has always expected me to be a playboy and a decent chap never lets his public down. Hollywood actor Errol Flynn at London Airport before leaving for America, 1957. Posted: 5th, January 2014 | In: Celebrities, Flashback, Key Posts Comment | Follow the Comments on our RSS feed: RSS 2. There are enough actual and verifiable crimes against humanity to nail the... My personal situation does not allow free speech. Fascinating….is this the same Africa that has all that trouble with drought... It’s just bonkers. Anything in the weather is now linked to God and science. Let’s... Snigger. 4. 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Metal Underground. "some music was meant to stay underground... 2014 at 1:57 PM by xFiruath. Massacre Records is happy to announce that Danish outfit Raunchy is now officially part of the label's roster, with an upcoming sixth album scheduled for release later this year. "Let us introduce you to Raunchy just in case you aren't familiar with them: Everything started back in 1992 when Jesper Tilsted, Jesper Kvist, and Morten Toft Hansen formed Raunchy. About two years later, Lars Vognstrup and Lars Christensen joined the band and the first demo was recorded. "Two additional demos later, the band signed with Mighty Music's sub label Drug(s) in 2000 and the debut album 'Velvet Noise' was released in 2001 in Scandinavia. After the album release, keyboardist and supporting vocalist Jeppe Christensen joined the band. Raunchy was the first Danish band ever that signed with Nuclear Blast Records (2002)! With a new label, the band's debut was also released in Europe and North America. "2004 started off with singer Lars leaving the band. Kasper Thomsen was later introduced as new vocalist and the second album 'Confusion Bay' was released in February 2004. "Raunchy signed with Lifeforce Records in 2005 and released album #3 'Death Pop Romance' in early 2006, which once again received great reviews from the music press. Having already played at Germany's Summer Breeze or Wacken Open Air in the past, the band embarked on a full-length EU tour called Danish Dynamite Tour along with HateSphere and Volbeat in 2006. 'Wasteland Discotheque' hit the shelves in 2008, followed by the band's latest record 'A Discord Electric' in September 2010. "During the past two decades, Raunchy toured with bands such as Threat Signal, Illdisposed or Mnemic and graced the billing of international festivals like Roskilde Festival, With Full Force or Brutal Assault. "A new chapter in the history of Raunchybegan in 2013, when Mike Semesky (ex-The HAARP Machine) was announced as new vocalist, replacing Kasper Thomsen who left the band in spring 2013. Please share this article if you found it interesting. Tweet You can get related band news and info in the sidebar and on the respective band pages. Philip H. Philip H. Philip H. Be the first to comment! Tell us what you think. 1. Sign up for an account here. 2. Register on Gravatar.com with the same email & upload an avatar. 3. Wait 24-48 hours for your avatar to appear on Metalunderground.com. These comments are moderated. Comments should be relevant to the topic at hand and contribute to its discussion. Personal attacks and/or excessive profanity will not be tolerated and such comments will be removed. This is not your personal chat room or forum, so please stay on topic. Please ignore spammers, as their posts will be removed. HTML markup will be removed and URLs will not be hyperlinked, to discourage comment spam/abuse. Subscribe to our feed to get updates automatically or subscribe by email to receive a daily digest of heavy metal news. F.A.Q. del.icio. Friend/Follow Us on... Last. Metal Underground.com v.4.3. Copyright © 2000-2014 Metalunderground.com. Execution Time ~ 0.344s. 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Este sitio web utiliza cookies, tanto propias como de terceros, para recopilar informacion estadistica sobre su navegacion y mostrarle publicidad relacionada con sus preferencias, generada a partir de sus pautas de navegacion. Si continua navegando, consideramos que acepta su uso. Redes Sociales Hemeroteca Edicion impresa Hoy en el periodico Deportes Actualizado: 21:11 h. 1 estrella 2 estrellas 3 estrellas 4 estrellas 5 estrellas votos ?Gracias! Enviando datos... Espere, por favor. Para muchos, Kim Jong-Un es un dictador sanguinario, pero para Dennis Rodman es un «amigo para toda la vida» al que por su cumpleanos el miercoles le va a regalar un partido de baloncesto con otros exjugadores de la NBA. El sabado, Rodman dio la lista de jugadores a los que ha convencido para viajar a Pyongyang, la capital de la hermetica y enigmatica Corea del Norte, para homenajear al «lider supremo», enemigo indisimulado de Estados Unidos. Kenny Anderson, Cliff Robinson, Vin Baker y Craig Hodges, entre otros, ayudaran al controvertido Dennis Rodman, de 52 anos, a seguir adelante con lo que el «Gusano» ha llamado la «diplomacia del baloncesto». «A Kim Jong-Un le encanta el baloncesto. Yo le dije que a Obama le encanta el baloncesto. Vamos a empezar por ahi», dijo Dennis Rodman a la cadena ABC poco despues de su primera visita al pais comunista, en febrero del ano pasado. «Kim Jong-Un quiere que Obama haga una cosa: que lo llame», revelo el excentrico exbaloncestista, que departio con el lider de Corea del Norte. Kim Jong-Un se hizo con el poder en 2011 en sustitucion de su padre Kim Jong Il, quien en una ocasion dijo que admiraba a Michael Jordan. Dennis Rodman viajo junto a los Harlem Globetrotters para una serie documental de la cadena HBO. Fue una visita reveladora: percibio la pasion del pais por el baloncesto, comenzo una amistad y vio las posibilidades de abrir una via «diplomatica». «Mis viajes anteriores me han permitido percibir el entusiasmo y el calor de los fans», citan a Rodman hoy los medios estadounidenses. El partido es un regalo de cumpleanos que fortalecera la relacion entre la extrana pareja. El acceso que Dennis Rodman dice tener a Kim Jong-Un sorprende por lo insondable que es el lider norcoreano. Segun relato al diario britanico The Guardian en septiembre, Rodman ha tenido en sus brazos a Ju-ae, la hija de Kim y de Ri Sol-ju, con los que paso unos dias en la playa. El contraste entre ambos no puede ser mayor. Tanto como jugador como ahora, Rodman destaco por sus piercings, tatuajes, sus parejas famosas y sus excentricidades, que nunca eclipsaron sin embargo los cinco titulos de campeon de la NBA y los siete premios de maximo reboteador. En los anos 90, los anos de brillo de Rodman en la NBA, Kim Jong-Un estudiaba en un internado suizo y vivia rodeado de occidentales. Una de sus grandes aficiones era el baloncesto. Pese a sus buenas intenciones, Dennis Rodman no parece estar ablandando corazones. Al menos en Washington. «Tenemos al regimen (norcoreano) gastando el dinero en vino y cena con visitantes extranjeros cuando deberian estar alimentando a su pueblo», dijo en marzo Patrick Ventrell, portavoz del Departamento de Estado norteamericano. Ambos paises siguen tecnicamente en guerra despues de que se enfrentaran en bandos opuestos en la Guerra de Corea, que acabo tras tres anos de batalla en una tregua en 1953. La reciente ejecucion del tio de Kim, Jang Song Thaek, segundo en la linea de poder tras su sobrino, fue tambien duramente condenada por Estados Unidos. «Otro ejemplo de la extrema brutalidad del regimen de Corea del Norte», dijo Ventrell. «Es mi amigo, pero no apruebo lo que hace», afirmo Rodman tras su primer viaje sobre las denuncias de violaciones de los derechos humanos contra el regimen de Kim, sobre las que el ex jugador guarda silencio. Rodman dejo a un lado la ejecucion del tio de Kim, pero la casa irlandesa de apuestas Paddy Power se desmarco del partido de exhibicion que iba a patrocinar al darse cuenta que era una decision «erronea». Rodman opone el baloncesto a las amenazas, el silencio y las sanciones, decidido como esta a «ser la persona mas famosa del mundo» por conseguir acercar a ambos paises. Sea o no por Dennis Rodman y el baloncesto, el estadounidense Merrill Newman, que habia sido condenado a 15 anos de prision por Pyongyang, fue liberado en diciembre. Saber mas... Kim Jong-Un© Copyright LA VOZ DE GALICIA S.A. Seccion General, a los folios 91 y siguientes, hoja C-2141. CIF: A-15000649. Grada360. 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Teyana Taylor is Colin Kaepernick's rumored girlfriend for 2014.San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick is trying to lead his team back to the Super Bowl in 2014 and the first stop is against the Packers in a frigid Green Bay. The single QB's girlfriend rumors have been hot all season long, the latest speculation on his love life is that he is dating up and coming singer Teyana Taylor, who just happens to be frenimies with pop star Rihanna. Back in September, Rihanna mocked Kaepernick's girlfriend Teyana on Instagram after the singer/rapper posted an acapella video on Instagram. Taylor had posted a video of herself singing an acapella version of Anita Baker's "Caught Up In The Rapture. The video showed Taylor singing her heart out while grabbing her head full of hair and Ri Ri used that to poke fun at Teyana when she uploaded a video of herself and Yusef Williams mocking Colin's busty girlfriend. In the video posted, Williams wore a wig that looked similar to Taylor's and sang the same song and mocked Colin's girlfriend's movements with her hair. According to the Seattle PI, the feud has actually cost Teyana a gig. "Adidas executives have decided to end their partnership with singer Teyana Taylor following her controversial online feud with Rihanna. The rising hip-hop star collaborated with the sports shoe company earlier this year, and after her successful debut in February, a second release was expected last Friday but never made its way into retailers. The game will be broadcast on Fox and begins at 4:40 pm EST. Rodgers has his own girlfriend issues, and his possible distractions for the week include a rumor he is gay. More on the gay rumors for Rodgers here. The betting line for the game today is San Francisco - 3. The NFC North champion Packers records this season are 8-7-1 SU and 7-9 ATS. The 49ers are 12-4 SU, and 10-5-1 ATS. Got an opinion? Share your thoughts now. Click photo to enlarge. Home | Ledger Pop Journal | Politics & Crime | Lifestyle | Celebrity Photos FEEDS: Pop Culture | Politics & Crime | Lifestyle © Copyright 2004 - 2014 - All Rights Reserved. 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Recevez notre newsletterEntrez les termes que vous recherchez. Lea G. Pilule, implant, sterilet : depuis plus de deux ans, Lea enchaine les medecins pour trouver la contraception qui lui convient, en vain. Ce qu’on lui a toujours presente comme un droit est un parcours du combattant. Une plaquette de pilules (M. Lea (c’est un pseudo), 24 ans, nous a contactes par e-mail pour temoigner de sa difficulte a avoir acces a la contraception par implant contraceptif et a ensuite se le faire retirer. Cette etudiante en medecine se disait en colere contre cette « soi-disant offre contraceptive qu’on nous vend a longueur de cours d’education sexuelle a l’adolescence et qui, en realite, s’avere etre le parcours du combattant ». Elle en a assez de « ramer pour pouvoir choisir autre chose que la pilule » qui ne lui convient pas. Nous lui avons propose de rediger elle-meme son temoignage, en lui proposant notre aide si necessaire. Mais le texte qu’elle nous a envoye et que nous publions ici, bien ecrit et tres clair, ne justifiait aucun changement de notre part. Laurent MauriacJ’ai 24 ans, je suis etudiante en medecine dans une fac de province et je vais vous conter mon long chemin pour l’acces a la contraception. Revenons deux ans en arriere : septembre 2011. A cette epoque, ma contraception etait la pilule, elle m’etait prescrite par un medecin generaliste. J’avais derriere moi quelques annees de prise quotidienne plus ou moins assidue, mais j’ai subitement commence a degobiller a chaque debut de plaquette. A l’epoque, c’etait pour moi le contraceptif ideal : on te le pose sous la peau au niveau du bras et tu peux l’oublier et etre tranquille pour trois ans. Fantastique. J’ai choisi le plus joli nom de gynecologue de l’annuaire et j’ai pris rendez-vous. J’etais plutot fiere d’avoir ose sauter le pas. Je me sentais une avant-gardiste de la contraception, une exploratrice de terres ou aucun de mes proches n’avait ose s’aventurer. C’etait ma contribution personnelle a l’emancipation des femmes (oui, je m’enflamme vite). Je consulte donc, toute guillerette, medecin numero un. Gynecologue medicale de son etat, femme mure, cinquantaine, tres sympa, installee dans un cabinet en centre-ville. Son physique collait avec l’idee que je me faisais d’un medecin implique dans les « combats des femmes ». J’entends par la le genre de medecin qui m’a toujours fait fantasmer professionnellement parlant : jusqu’a peu, je pensais que le gynecologue etait de tous les combats pour l’emancipation feminine (j’ai passe beaucoup de temps devant la tele dans mon enfance). Je les imaginais engagees des leur adolescence au cote du MLF. Je pensais qu’on ne pouvait vivre ce metier que comme le plus grand de tous les sacerdoces (oui, encore plus que celui qu’on prete aux medecins en general et aux medecins de campagne en particulier). Elle m’apprend que non, elle ne me posera pas d’implant contraceptif parce qu’elle n’aime pas trop la chirurgie et que le sang, ce n’est pas son truc. Moi non plus, je n’aime pas ca la chirurgie, mais bon, etant passee plusieurs fois au bloc operatoire en tant qu’etudiante en medecine et ayant pose UN implant contraceptif durant mon stage en gynecologie, je peux vous le dire du haut de mon experience a deux balles : poser un implant contraceptif, ce n’est pas de la chirurgie ! – le medecin Martin Winckler prefere dire que ce n’est pas de la chirurgie lourde, soit. Elle m’adresse donc a un deuxieme gynecologue – que nous appellerons medecin numero deux – exercant a l’hopital le plus proche, celui-la meme qui forme la plupart des medecins du coin a la pose de l’implant, et qui l’a donc formee elle. Medecin numero deux est tres sympa. Gynecologue-obstetricien, il a moins le physique de l’emploi, mais au regard de son parcours professionnel, il colle tout a fait a mon fantasme. La consultation s’est faite en presence d’un etudiant en medecine de l’annee au-dessus de la mienne. J’etais quelque peu genee par la presence de ce collegue : je m’etais preparee a cette eventualite et c’etait une des raisons qui m’avait poussee a ne pas choisir d’etre suivie par un gynecologue de l’hopital. J’avais moyen envie de tomber sur un de mes camarades de classe au detour d’un frottis. Mais apres tout il n’etait pas prevu que je me deshabille. Ou alors seulement du bras gauche. J’expose donc au gynecologue et a son etudiant la raison de ma venue : il me faut un implant, mais ma nouvelle gynecologue ne veut pas me le mettre. Il me fait remarquer, faussement offusque et un brin moqueur, que cette derniere etait pourtant presente a la formation qu’il a dispensee sur le sujet et qu’il se souvient tres bien l’avoir vu grignoter les petits fours. L’implant est pose en cinq minutes top chrono. Il me tape sur l’epaule et il me donne rendez vous dans trois ans pour le retrait, puisque je devais continuer le suivi avec ma gynecologue de ville mais que l’idee d’enlever un implant la degoutait autant que celle de le mettre. « La pilule ? Pfff ! Trop has-been. Ce fut une lune de miel de courte duree. Deux semaines plus tard, et ce sans interruption jusqu’a ce jour (deux ans apres), je n’ai jamais arrete d’avoir des metrorragies (saignements venant de l’uterus, en dehors de la periode des regles). C’est un effet indesirable connu des implants, et dont on m’avait parle avant la pose : on nous apprend qu’un tiers des femmes n’aura plus ses regles, qu’un autre tiers aura ses regles comme avant, et que le dernier tiers aura des saignements irreguliers. J’ai pioche la derniere carte avec option « saignements irreguliers, mais tout le temps ». S’il y a une chose que je ne peux nier a l’implant contraceptif dans mon cas, c’est son efficacite. ces metrorragies continuelles ont mis un sacre coup de frein a ma vie sexuelle. le statut d’etudiant avec son lot de stress. Ne me demandez pas comment mon petit copain tient le coup, je n’en ai aucune idee (et je ne veux peut-etre pas le savoir). Au bout de quatre mois, je reprends donc rendez-vous chez ma gynecologue de ville (medecin numero un) pour lui exposer le probleme. Elle m’explique que le bilan des effets indesirables se fait au bout de six mois et qu’il est encore tout a fait possible que les choses se regularisent – comprenez que l’implant serve a autre chose qu’a mon abstinence sexuelle. Elle me prescrit un medicament anti-saignement (sans efficacite) et une echographie pour rechercher une autre cause a ces saignements a aller faire chez un autre gynecologue specialiste (medecin numero trois). Me voila donc deux semaines plus tard la vessie pleine, a passer une echographie chez medecin numero trois, qui m’assure que tout va bien et que les saignements devraient s’arreter bientot. Mais les choses ne se sont pas ameliorees. Entre resignation et deprime multifactorielle, j’ai laisse trainer. A l’hiver dernier (environ un an apres la pose de mon implant donc), je me decide a consulter un autre interlocuteur : le gynecologue de l’universite (medecin numero quatre). Je le croisais toutes les semaines en allant consulter le psychologue de l’universite, il avait l’air tres sympa. Pour moi, l’equation etait simple : gynecologue + travail avec des jeunes = interlocuteur ideal. J’y allais clairement pour qu’il me retire ce machin de mon bras et pour discuter d’un nouveau moyen de contraception. Il n’a pas voulu me retirer l’implant (« Je ne fais pas ca ») et ne m’a pas paru tres enthousiaste quand je lui ai parle de mon desir de faire le relais par un dispositif intra-uterin (sterilet). Il m’a en revanche prescrit une pilule contraceptive pour trois mois qui a permis d’arreter les saignements (ouf !)... le temps qu’a dure la prise. Le contrat etait le suivant : je devais prendre cette pilule pendant trois mois, puis prendre rendez-vous a la fin au centre de planning familial de l’hopital ou il effectuait des vacations. Nous referions le point ensemble a ce moment-la et si la pilule prescrite me convenait, je pourrais la poursuivre ad vitam eternam. Enfin, il m’orienterait vers un autre medecin du centre retirant les implants. Je n’ai rien contre la pilule, mais outre les effets indesirables de la premiere molecule que j’ai prise, elle ne convient pas a mon mode de vie : je l’oublie trop facilement. Je suis sortie depitee, fatiguee. Et surtout toujours avec ce bout de plastique dans le bras ! Je n’ai rien contre l’implant non plus, il me paraissait etre le contraceptif ideal au debut, et c’est a contre-c?ur et decue de voir que je faisais partie du tiers malchanceux que je me resignais a le retirer. Depuis le college (et meme avant, lorsque ma mere glissait discretement un livre d’education sexuelle dans ma chambre), on m’a explique qu’on etait la pour moi en matiere de sexualite et de contraception. On m’a dit que tomber enceinte jeune n’etait pas l’ideal si je voulais faire des etudes longues. On m’a fait la liste de tous les interlocuteurs avec lesquels je pourrais discuter : infirmiere scolaire, profs, CPE, copine, mere de copine, parents, medecin traitant, gynecologues, numeros verts, plannings familiaux, brochures (Internet n’etait pas tres repandu a l’epoque)... On m’a montree tous les moyens de contraception que j’avais a ma disposition, qu’ils soient d’urgence ou non. Et ca m’a paru etre un jeu d’enfant ! Je me suis sentie soutenue et concernee dans ce combat pour le droit des femmes a maitriser leur fertilite. Et meme si j’etais a des annees lumieres d’avoir l’opportunite de m’en servir, je savais que lorsque j’aurais besoin d’eviter de tomber enceinte, les conditions seraient reunies pour que cela se passe bien. Apres l’episode de la gynecologue universitaire, j’ai baisse les bras. Mon moral n’etait pas au beau fixe et, aussi petit combat soit-il, je n’avais pas la force de lutter. Oui, j’emploie un vocabulaire guerrier, parce que je n’ai pas d’autres mots et que quoiqu’on peut en penser, ca m’a foutu un coup comme on dit. Pour moi (Bisounours), tous les gynecologues etaient au service des femmes, au moins dans l’eventail de choix que nous tend la vitrine de sante publique. Je n’avais pas l’impression de demander la lune, juste l’acces a ce qu’on me repete avoir le droit depuis des annees. Je suis tombee de haut. Deux ans deja depuis la pose, je me suis decidee a aller, il y a quelques jours, chez un medecin generaliste (medecin numero cinq) qui voulait bien me retirer ce satane implant. Echec : il n’a pas reussi a me le retirer. « Dommage. Ca arrive qu’il bouge entre le moment de la pose et celui ou on le retire », m’a t-il dit. Mouais. Moi, j’accuse plutot tout le foie gras que j’ai mange a Noel de l’avoir enfoui dans la graisse de mon bras. Il m’a donc donne une lettre a remettre a l’hopital expliquant qu’il n’avait pas reussi a le retirer par une petite incision et qu’il etait sans doute necessaire de me le faire retirer... au bloc operatoire a l’hopital. Il m’a demande quelle pilule je comptais prendre ensuite. Je lui ai repondu que je choisirais plutot le sterilet (tout a fait appropriee chez les femmes n’ayant jamais eu d’enfant, meme chez les adolescentes, rappelons-le !). Il m’a donc fait une ordonnance apres avoir juge de ma motivation pour ce moyen contraceptif. Pas tres decidee a passer par le bloc pour une histoire de contraception, je suis allee dans la foulee au planning familial de l’hopital demander de l’aide. – Vous passerez au bloc. Il me restera toujours la necessite de choisir un autre moyen de contraception : a priori, le sterilet. Pour cela, le chemin est encore long. J’ai demande a la secretaire si au cours de cette meme consultation, medecin numero cinq ne pourrait pas me poser le dispositif intra-uterin. Elle m’a informee que c’etait peu probable, qu’en general il faut deux consultations lorsqu’on decide de poser un sterilet. Je suppose que la premiere est pour juger de la motivation, rechercher des contre-indications (notamment les infections ou une grossesse en cours), et la deuxieme pour le poser. Dans des moments de ras-le-bol generalise (ou de folie ?), il m’arrive de penser qu’il serait plus simple de tout laisser tomber. Qu’une fois mon implant retire, j’arrete tout. Mon copain et moi, on passerait juste au preservatif. Ou pas. Du haut de mon regard depite, l’impression me vient qu’il est presque plus facile d’avorter que de choisir son moyen de contraception. Avant que m’arrive cette mesaventure, lorsque dans les medias ou dans mon entourage, on parlait de « pilule », je me disais que les gens n’avaient rien compris, qu’il suffisait de taper « contraception » sur Google pour voir qu’il y avait plein d’autres moyens contraceptifs – peut-etre plus adaptes au mode de vie de chacun – et donc d’y avoir acces. Mais en fait, non, c’est moi qui n’ai rien compris. Je n’avais jamais eu a cotoyer le monde medical « cote patient ». Je comprends que tout ce qui est nouveau fasse peur, qu’il faille du temps pour que les nouveautes passent. J’ai cru comprendre que les nouvelles generations sont toutes formees a la pose et au retrait de l’implant. J’espere que dans les annees a venir, il suffira de frapper au cabinet de n’importe quel medecin pour pouvoir choisir/changer de contraception. D’ailleurs, medecin numero quatre m’a parle de l’importance de la formation a ce sujet de tout futur medecin. « Parce que mine de rien, ca peut rendre service a beaucoup de monde. » J’ai retenu la lecon. SocietecontraceptionSexefemmesSanteTemoignageRue69Fermer Rebondir sur Temoignage Mon oncle est devenu l’un de ces vieux a la fenetre. Vous prenez la parole pour nous raconter vos experiences : celle du racisme ordinaire, d'une vie cachee de strip-teaseuse, d'un rendez-vous a Pole emploi, d'un soir d'election presidentielle, d'un parcours professionnel rate et bien d'autres. Tous... Mon oncle est devenu l’un de ces vieux a la fenetre. Fiere d’etre juive mais toujours sur mes gardes... jforum. leparisien. contrepoints. lepost. Rue89 par e-mail. Lea G. Dans ma classe, on a arrete les notes. Viol : oui, Maitre, ce soir-la, j’avais bu. Avec eux. 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Watch San Francisco 49ers Vs. Green Bay Packers Vs. Pitbull and Ke$ha have snagged the top spot in the UK singles chart. The pair recently teamed up for the tune “Timber,” which was originally released on October 27. Although the tune previously charted in Ireland, Germany, and Austria, the song recently debuted in the UK. It didn’t take long for the collaboration to find its way to the number one position on the Official UK Singles Chart. Pharrell Williams’ Despicable Me 2 song “Happy,” which has its own 24-hour music video, previously held the top spot on the singles chart. However, the acclaimed producer will have to settle for second place this time around. Avicii rounded out the top three with the song “Hey Brother. Pitbull and Ke$ha performed “Timber” together during the American Music Awards on November 24, an event he also hosted. The next day, the duo unveiled the official music video for the tune. If you somehow missed out on that clip last year, then you can fix that glaring problem in your life below. Unfortunately for Ke$ha, the success of her duet with Pitbull in the UK is somewhat diminished a bit by her recent trip to rehab. The controversial singer reportedly checked into a facility outside of Chicago on Friday (January 3) to get help with her eating disorder. The reports were later confirmed by a statement from her rep. “I’m a crusader for being yourself and loving yourself but I’ve found it hard to practice. I’ll be unavailable for the next 30 days, seeking treatment for my eating disorder… to learn to love myself again. Exactly as I am,” she posted on Facebook. Although she was able to put something together with Pitbull, fans who were looking forward to what the singer was cooking up with the Flaming Lips learned late last year that the proverbial plug on their collaboration was officially pulled. Frontman Wanye Coyne described the news as “sad. During an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Ke$ha said she doesn’t have much creative control over her career at the moment. Although working with Pitbull apparently wasn’t a problem with producer Dr. Luke, perhaps the Flaming Lips didn’t fit the image her handlers are trying to sell. “What’s been put out as singles have just perpetuated a particular image that may or may not be entirely accurate. I’d like to show the world other sides of my personality. I don’t want to just continue putting out the same song and becoming a parody myself. I have so much more to offer than that and I can’t wait till the world really gets to hear that on the radio. All content © 2008 - 2014 The Inquisitr News. 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Bilkoparen bor inrikta sig pa en amortering pa fem till tio ar, for att inte riskera att sta med en stor skuld nar bilen tappat det mesta av sitt varde. Billan, antingen av bilhandlaren eller banken, ar kanske den vanligaste modellen i dag. Men rantan ligger normalt langt over bostadsrantorna, drygt 5 procent ar inte ovanligt. Den senaste finansieringsmodellen ar sa kallad privatleasing. Konsumentleasing eller bilprenumeration ar andra namn for modellen, dar kunden anvander en ny bil under uppemot tre ar. Manadskostnaden ligger runt ett par tusenlappar och innefattar inte bransle. I vissa fall ingar skatt och serviceavtal. Nagra prisexempel ar en Volvo V70 T4 for 3.850 kronor i manaden eller en Mercedes A200 for 3.400 kronor om kunden under tre ar inte kor mer an 3.000 mil. Bilsaljaren Holmgrens Bil tar 2.290 kronor i manaden vid privatleasing av en Peugot 208. Den som funderar pa alternativet privatleasing bor framfor allt granska nagra vasentliga villkor forst. Kravs kontantinsats? Manga uppskattar framfor allt mojligheten att slippa plocka fram uppemot 50.000-60.000 kronor i kontantinsats for en ny bil. Om kontantinsats kravs ska den manatliga leasingkostnaden ligga lagre. Milbegransningar. Ta till en marginal nar du bestammer antal mil som far koras under perioden, som ofta ar tva till tre ar. Varje mil utover det avtalade kostar. Till exempel sa tar Mercedes 12,50 kronor per mil extra vid leasing av en A 200. Restvardet. Kostnader utover ”normalt slitage” ska kunden betalas. Ta reda pa vad bilhandlaren bedomer som normalt eller inte. Rakna med att lackskador och liknande kan kosta atskilliga tusenlappar. Skatt, forsakring och service. Kolla vad som ingar. Hos nagra bilmarken, exempelvis Volvo, ingar skatt och serviceavtal i manadskostnaden. Volkswagens ”Konsumentleasing” har en modell dar ett serviceavtal kan tecknas vid sidan av. Den ekonomiskt sinnade bilagaren gor bast i att halla sig till begagnatmarknaden. En bil med ett par ar pa nacken har en stor del av vardeminskningen bakom sig, men ofta manga ar av relativt problemfri bilkorning kvar. Alternativet for storstadsbor som inte behover bil i vardagen ar att ga med i en bilpool, vilket kostar nagon hundralapp i manaden i fast kostnad samt tim- och milavgifter vid anvandandet. Eller hyra bil nar det behovs, till exempel ett par veckor under semestern. Det ar alternativ som blir langt billigare an att aga en ny bil. Kommentarsfunktionen kraver att du har aktiverat JavaScript. Detta gor du i webblasarens installningar. Betygsatt kommentaren Tack! Snitt ( roster) Anmal kommentaren Folj kommentarer for artikeln Las fler kommentarer Annons: SENASTE NYTT PA DI. KOMMENTAR. Bilhandlarnas senaste trick for att ge dig en ny bil ser smidigt ut pa papperet. Men billigt ar det inte och fallorna ar manga. (5) Har ar bilnyheterna 2014 (07:35) Trangselskatten chockhojs Annons: Foto: TT, DI Montage:di. AKTIETIPS. Den amerikanske bankjatten har spikat sina sju basta - och tre samsta - aktier infor arets forsta manader. Kolla in vilka bolag som vantas rusa. SMARTPHONES. Det gar snabbt utfor for mobiltillverkaren HTC. Men en specialmanover ger nu bolaget lite andrum - pa papperet. TEXT + TV: HETAST. Bilbranschen har fattat galoppen: Bland det nya arets mest lockande bilnyheter finns en kombi som lastar mer an Volvo V70 och drar ynka 0,36 liter per mil. IT-SAKERHET. Yahoos annonsservrar har fatt oonskade inkranktare. Nu kan hundratusentals datorer vara smittade. SKOLKRISEN. Mardrommen fortsatter. Antalet sokande till lararutbildningen i prestigeamnena narmar sig noll. AKTIETRICK. Infor det nya borsaret kan det vara lage att satsa pa en taktik som visat sig overlagsen i over 100 ar. Och har ar aktierna som lever upp till kraven. SEB:s tre aktiefavoriter Sa gar borsen 2014 Tunisiens parlament. HARD STRID. Trots vilda protester har parlamentet bestamt sig: Tunisisk lag ska inte bygga pa islam. TRANGSELSKATTEN. Regeringen tanker hoja trangselskatten i bade Goteborg och Stockholm. Och i det ena fallet handlar det om rena chockmedicinen. 190.000 fick fel trangselskatt Trangselskatt pa tag utreds Annons: Rickard Gustafson, vd for SAS. FLYGKRISEN. Nar konkurrenten anstaller utomeuropeisk personal far SAS vd nog och kraver att politikerna satter ned foten. (53) Norwegians vd ber om ursakt Ryanair lovar bot och battring Foto: TT Montage:di. SUPERVALARET. Stefan Lofven har Alliansen i ett strupgrepp infor arets val. Men han far akta sig for flera fallor pa vagen mot segern. Har ar ministern som rasar mest Ledare: Supervalarets stora fraga Mia Brunell Livfors. BELONAS. Forra arets kursrusning far gratisaktierna att regna over ledningen. NORGES EKONOMI. Den norska kopkraften krymper i rask takt och norrmannens kopfest ar pa vag att ta slut. Det far svenska handlare att skruva nervost pa sig. Norsk oljerigg for miljarder sjonk Norge hotas av trippelkris Annons: Folkhalsominister Maria Larsson. VINBRAK. Matkedjan skickar med vinflaskor med matkassarna. Nu vill ministern satta stopp for hanteringen. RANTESANKNING. Rantorna pa storbankernas sparkonton narmar sig snabbt nollstrecket. Da ar det lage att lagga sparpengarna pa andra stallen. BEN BERNANKE. Den harda motvind som har plagat USA:s ekonomi borjar att mojna. KOMMENTAR. Nu kommer en ny sheriff till stan. Finansinspektionens hogsta chef hotar bolanekundernas forvantade kalas. DYRT. Svenskarna luras att betala miljarder till storbankerna. Har ar den stora fallan. PUTINS BUDGETKAOS. Notan for en kort vagstracka i OS-staden Sotji har skenat i vag fullstandigt. Bara vagstumpen kostar mer an hela vinter-OS i Vancouver. SJUNKER. Sa har mycket kostar bensinen efter dagens prissankning. MYSTISK AFFAR. Nordkoreas ledare Kim Jong-un har svenska snokanoner pa sin nya skidanlaggning - ett brott mot FN:s sanktioner. AKTIETIPS. 2014 blir aret da konjunkturkansliga verkstadsbolag tar revansch. Det spar SEB som plockat ut tre kopvarda aktier. TOPPJOBB. Natexperten Stina Honkamaa Bergfors tar plats i Ikeas styrelse. BASTA TIPSEN. Blev julen for dyr igen? Dags att klippa hemtelefonen och tanka etanol, tycker en en sparekonom som fick en billig jul. KOSTSAMT. Avregleringarna av statliga monopol har kostat samhallet miljarder. Det havdar riksrevisor Claes Norgren. RUSNING. Det rader total yra pa borsen i Iran. Har ar aktierna som gar allra bast. (4) Irans president lagger fram krisbudget Hemlig sultan bakom superavtalet Foto: TT Montage:di. FIXA BASTA RANTAN. Bundet eller rorligt bolan? SBAB:s chefsekonom har svaret. "Under 2013 var radet daligt men det betyder inte att det behover vara sa 2014", sager han. Dag Vecka 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Varning for dubbelbeskattning 2. Rot-avdrag blir avgift 3. Ar detta varldens dyraste vag? 4. Apple: Vi slapper inte in NSA i din Iphone 5. Dag Vecka 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Ledare: Sverige ar ett system mer an ett folk 2. Lofven i slaglage infor supervalaret 3. Ingves vill ha bostadskommission 4. Tre personer vill bli biologilarare 5. Benny Andersson ger 100. Audi fortsatter oka i Sverige. Hogsta marknadsandelen nagonsin. Semafo Inc. 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